Lauz profile picture



About Me

I love candy, doo dee doo dee doo dee doo doo... I love candy, doo dee doo dee doo dee doo doo... I love caa-aandy, doo dee doo dee doo dee doo doo... I love caa-aandy, doo dee doo dee doo dee doo doo.

I also like long walks in the park, Conservative Barbeques and Falafel...

SUPA'FLY SUPA'FLY SUPA'FLYCurtoursey of my Brother:

This profile was made at! :)

My Interests

Your Mum.

Cooking, yes, i am a student who actually cooks.

Reading - Ridiculously far-fetched fantasy mostly (Harry Potter fan! hahaha)

Playing the Sims 2.... wot? its a fun game!

Drinking, when I dont get a hangover...

Sleeping, so much zzzz

LOTS of tv programmes, mostly Futurama, The Simpsons, American Dad, Scrubs, Heroes, Desperate Housewives, 24, Lost, Family Guy, Prison Break... strangely though, I never actually watch TV I just download it...

Films, so much so it shall be the focus of my career.

This is my Llama:

adopt your own virtual pet!

Some personality illustrations for you:

You Are 38% Selfish
In general, you are a very giving person who treats others very well.
But at times, you insist on getting your way - when it matters most to you. How Selfish Are You?

You Are Cherry Pie
You're the perfect combo of innocent and sexy
Those who like you enjoy a contradiction What Kind of Pie Are You?

Here is my Visual Media project thing, it's a bit shit, but hey, it's not like I'd ever used After Effects before this, so DON'T JUDGE ME! The sound is it's worst feature, because I didn't think we were allowed copywritten music, and I couldn't find any better SFX maybe when I have time I'll make it better, but this is what I handed in...


I'd like to meet:

Tim Burton, he's a legend! and a few others, maybe Homer Simpson too... oh and the cat lady from the Simpsons.. actually, i want to BE the cat lady, she has cats hidden everywhere! (Please see my pictures for evidence that i'd make a superb Cat Lady...)

This is my Duck:

adopt your own virtual pet!


Garage, Dance, Drum 'n' Bass, Acoustic, R&B, Hip Hop, The occasional Rock, Indie or Metal thrown in there too!


*300* !!!!! OMFG, what a film... American Beauty, Anchorman, Kill Bill's, 3rd and 4th Harry Potter's, anything from the amazing Tarantino's mind, Edward Scissor Hands, New Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Wedding Crashers, Fantasia, City of God, Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Superman, DISNEY AND PIXAR AND DREAMWORKS ANIMATION!!! I love films... but genre-wise, it'll have to be comedy and fantasy... and sometimes the chick-flicks!


Oh god, it would be impossible to type the tv i watch here, i gave some examples above, that will do!


Dan Brown, my favourite of his was Deception Point, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, any of Trudi Canavans novels, Chronicles of Narnia, His Dark Materials, Anne Rice, Stephen King... and anything that has magic, or can provide a decent escape from reality, really!


Lara Croft and Buffy, real heroes can be dodgy, so i stick to good ol' fictional characters, you can always rely on them to win! ... But if I was going to choose real heroes, it'd have to be my big bro, my lil sis, Kirsty and Lawrence my bestest best friends

My Blog


Hey, my first blog... im bored
Posted by Lauz on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 07:52:00 PST