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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well bwah bwah! My name is Seb, 20 and I'm an alcoholic a student Im a student at Stafford Uni, UK. Its TINY and theres a 9:1 boy girl ratio which is a bit shit, but I have met some of my best friends there. Im half English and half Australian and im a procrastination whore. I love arty stuff, like film, music, photography, painting etc. I love to drink and dance like a tit. No one likes a good dancer, its all about getting wasted and dancing like a total fool. To the point where you actually look back at the night before and an entire shudder runs through your whole body in embarrassment. Im quite an emotional person, although I hide it quite a lot. I miss my friends when im away pretty bad and the third year lonliness is setting in fast! No worries, I'll power through

My Interests

Filming and Video Editing, Music of almost all kinds including playing my guitar and piano. Recently I have found I can cook a pretty good roast dinner, and also Im quite into my long distance travelling. I love driving, although I think i need a slightly better car, mine is slowly falling to bits

I'd like to meet:

Bill Murray, Scarlet Johanson (i want to experiance my own Lost in Translation moment!) Sofia Coppola, the Mythbusters crew - particularly Kari Byron, Richard Dean Anderson, Richard Nixon's head. Oh and did i mention Scarlet Johanson?


Between the Trees, Incubus, Jimmey Eat World, Infected Mushroom, Daft Punk, Dashboard, Funeral, 65 days of Static, Explosions in the sky, God is an astronaught, Air, the list goes on really


Lost in Translation and Disney's Robin HoodYeah the cartoon one!As a film student, this is my best movie so far!
..oh and this too.. this is my crappy 30 second animation for Home Alone. God I would love to set traps round a house once :) Home Alone
.. And finally, on my last drama trip ever with my school, we danced. In the street. The penguin dance no less. I miss Borlase. The Penguin Dance
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Futurama Family Guy Drawn Together Atlantis 24 Heros Lost Scrubs Spongebob Mythbusters Anything thats not work!


I wont lie - Harry Potter. Yeah i went to the midnight launch. Yes Im sad. Loving His Dark Materials as well, those books are the ones you have to read slowly cos you run out of pages so quickly! I just finished the Da Vinci Code. if you havent already, read it. Unless your Christian or Catholic or something


Zap Branigan Dr Zoidberg Sebastian The Crab

My Heros:

Chris: Bwah! King Payam: Nice Chest Hair Kate: Soul Mate Becky: Hottie, lives too far away! Mat: Resident Metal Head Ian: Resident Scouse Andy: Always shagging Cass Cass: Always shagging Andy Rosie: Resident Techie Benny: Swim anyone? Tyler: Woop Woop Woop James: Never Tidies Up Laura: Lovely, despite what she seems to think! Lorna: BEANS TomTom: so much pain!? Scott: Will destroy you Pete: Too fit for Stafford Adie: CHINA Dave: Lorna's Bitch Soph: Manager Styli: Drunken dance buddy Borlase: All my lovers and loverettes from Borlase that rock my world