besides people? I love the Internet although I'm not as computer literate as I would like to be. I'm an armchair traveler and love receiving postcards from all over the world.
People,and more people. Can be my age. I would certainly welcome others my age to share life stories. I enjoy the younger set because there is so much to learn from them and they keep me feeling young
Classical is really number 1 although I like golden oldies. Not so keen on today's music, but occasionally I hear something I like. Just like to be surrounded by music.
Not much of a moviegoer. I tend to fall asleep.
Law and Order, House, CSI, Bones. Enjoy both detective and medical shows, and I can't forget Lost!
Harry Potter, mysteries. Enjoy reading books that I read years ago. Not a romance fan.
Anyone who has spent their life trying to make the world a better and safer place to live. The list is too long...
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