hmm..hi! Lea HiR! la lng..i'm nice nmn..frendly, jolLy..addict sA frendsteR! ngauN d2 nMn..hehe! .. bsta add me nlNg
[email protected]
iM a kind 0f pers0n na g0 sa Lahat ng baGay.. baSta i kn0w na taMa ung Ginagawa k0,,cge LaNg..hehe! maL0ko me at times but I kn0w where 2 pLace mySeLf.. im a g0d-feaRing pers0n.. L0ve t0 g0 and hang 0ut wiD mah freNds.. nGa pLa..i reaLLy treaSure my frienDs.. i can oLweiZ b there 4them espeCiaLLy kaPag i kn0w na they can aLs0 be there in return.. haPi-g0-Lucky me..:) j0yryD! ;p happY&c0ntented!:) SimpLy mE!:) ............................................................
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tYm haS bin changiN as wat we had faDed awaY. N0w, I muSt saY that I riLi miSS y0u. s0meh0w we riLi haV t0 faCe thE facT thaT it'S 0ver n0w. EveryThin iS diFFeRent n0w. tHe distance maDe me cRave f0r y0u wyL y0u staYed absTract iN my syStem daY by Day. h0w i wiSh y0u weRe myn f0reveR. But f0reveR iS jusT a w0rd unLess itS pr0ven. i remeMber weN u Left. I c0uLd hardLy w0k aWay. i d0nt waNt t0 accePt thE haRsh reaLity thaT u'R LeaviN. I d0n't kn0w wat happeNed waY bCk then. Evrynyt, iM stiL crYin 0ver metteRs 0f thE heart. mY minD was stiL c0nfused wd th0ughts 0f ysterDay. YeaRs hav passeD aNd I caN aLm0st f0rget y0u daY afteR day. i'M a greAt pretender. iM sh0win thE huL w0rLd daT i caN g0 0n wd mY Life anD y0u neVer cr0ssed mY minD aT 0L. But dat was a Lie. Y0u aLwayS haunt my th0ughtS. Ur everywheRe. u w0uldnt Let me sLeeP. DiStance meaNt aL0t t0 me. I caN easiLy staY awaY fr0m y0u. th0ugh i kn0w she aLready haV y0u. I haV ch0sen t0 L0ve in my 0wn seLfisH waYs s0 uR L0cked in mY heArt f0rever. ='c