lOve to pLAy voLLEybaLL... anD baDmiNton..ü neT surfing... shopping.. love to eaT so Much!!ü Video provided by KEKAI BOY " width="320" ShowC."1" ShowStatusBar="0" AutoSize="false" EnableC."0" DisplaySize="0"
i woULd definiteLy love to meEt peoPle who shaREs the samE interEst with me..üü
any song from Plumb.. esp ^reaL^..ü turn baCk tiME,, white fLag,, acOustIc.. kInda aLterNAtive ..a little bit oF tecHno... and punk mUSic,.. if i'm dePreSsed.. i wOuld lOve to heAr senTi.. üü
moviEs thAt woulD reAlLy makE me scrEam to the maX!üü.. scaRy moviEs!
moviE anD muSic ChaNNELS,,,