I'd like to meet:
*a stuDent 0f De LaSalle-CollEge of Saint BeniLde*
*taKing up AB-MuLtimEdia Arts*
*A chiLd*
*A cHristiAn*
*A bRat*
*a sn0b if nEedEd*
*is impAtiEnt*
*a pArty pip0l*
*a go0d fRiEnD*
*is to0 LazY t0 think*
*is a LittLe gurL with littLe boobs but with a big hEArt!*
.sWeEts. .caKes. .icEcReAm. .si0mai!!. .beEf steW. .fishbALL. .pAStiLlAs. .t0 diE f0r. .stArbux fRAp. .fri0 shake-a-mo0. .cElf0nEs. .lapt0p. .diGicAm. .ip0d. .pSp. .dvdcamc0rder. .ZunES. .sh0es. .cl0thEs. .prADa bagS. .guCci eyewEar. .Lv sh0Es. .bUrbErry. .juicy c0utuRe. .FRIENDS. .siDeweiz. .LuxEm. .pArtiEs. .m0ni. .magmuRa. .tumAwa. .tumuLalA. .mgpangap na lASeng. .spAced out. .sab0g. .sinG. .DanCE. .pAint. .dRaw. .PiRAtES. .cAPt. jACk spARroW. .hENtai. .hiph0p. .r0ck. .so em0. .reggAe. .h0use/techn0. .aut0-dugsdugs-windowsdown. .ar0n. .they see me r0llin. .MY MOM- i love. .chixEy our pet d0g. .gwap0 guys. .h0t gurLs. .gAys. .LesbiAns. .BitCheS. .girL fightS. .cAt fightS. .r0ck c0ncerts. .gimix. .h0use parties. .cLubBing. .sLEepinG. .bUllying. .cRiticize mySELF. .amArds. .pink is the color of world today. .nakeD and sAcrED. .anim0!!. .huGs. .kisSes. .smo0ching. .boobs. .PRINCE. .spArks/magic. .LOVE. .sTars. .FashiON!. .MONEY. .c0smetiCs. .chowchows. .FirEwoRks. .Alcoh0l. .tEquiLa. .bLow j0b. .maRgarita. .w0rLD pEace. .FriEndship. .gEndEr equality. .HEAvEn. .AnD GOD.
hAtE L0sErs .p0sErs. .eFfin plAyers. .giRly taLks. .plAstics are pollutants!. .My DetRact0Rs. .b0ys arE ASSOLES, they're all the same!. .SarCastic heLl0s and Fake SmiLEs. .MAd0cs. .immAtuRE. .s0 highschool pip0l. .MgA pAngEt na hnd alam na panget ka!. .ak0 lang pwd mgng pAnget dit0. .ugly bitcheS. .FLiRts. .bRaggy 0nes. .n0sey pe0ple.