Choi profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me


My Interests

Saving the Earth and finding a good f**k!

I'd like to meet:

Naughty BOYS and girls like me.


As long as it's tolerable. I like listening to All-American Rejects, Dashboard Confessionals, Black-eyed Peas, The Killers and some sick R&Bs. HIPHOP is timeless!


Step-up 2: The Streets, Transformers, FORMULA 17, Pan's Labyrinth, Death Note, Legend of Butch & Sundance, 300, 9 Songs, The Dead Man's Chest, X3, V for Vendeta, Pride and Prejudice, Latter Days, King Kong, Sugar, Brham Stoker's Dracula, Beautiful Thing, Riding cars w/ Boys, BISHONEN, Transporter 2, Valentin, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Batman Returns, Memoirs of a Geisha, Sin City, The Incredibles, Harry Potter, Finding Nemo, White Chicks, Mean Girls, House of the Flying Daggers, Kill Bill, The Last Samurai, LOTR, X-Men 2, Pirates of The Carribean, Grouching Tiger, Hero, Finding Nemo, LXG, Behind the Tuscan Sun, La Segonda Moglie, The Original Sin, The Count of Monte Christo, The Pianist


Kitchen Confidential, Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, America's Next Top Model, Myx Daily Top Ten, Will & Grace, CSI, Naruto, Hanayori Dango, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Death Note, Bleach, Gossip Girl


The Children of Hurin, Hellshock comics, Batman comics, KURT COBAIN JOURNALS, The Da Vinci Code, Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, The Silmarillion by Tolkien, 20, 000 Leagues Under The Sea by Joules Verne, Erotic Books, Yaoi-Manga, Encyclopedia of Arda


My Sexy Mom, Miranda Kerr and Yoanna House.