Christine Bayer profile picture

Christine Bayer


About Me

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Shawshank Redemption, Lucky you, Click, The Illusionist, Knocked Up,


Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, Heroes


Five people you meet in heaven...


My Blog

My account

My account (Myspace) at first was pretty boring!I wish I could say I was the one who fixed it!hahaha!NOT!!!Thanks to my baby (Who would work late at night just to create a wonderful site!) ahem!Such a...
Posted by Christine Bayer on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 09:27:00 PST


I'm sick....down with flu, can't work even though I want to...Yes, its a Saturday night and I'm such a loser 'coz I'm stuck here at home...But its all good. Spending time with my family, getting to st...
Posted by Christine Bayer on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 09:01:00 PST