Partying, the Q-Club, and Partying!
..I LoVe BeeR!aLL FuCkEd uP ... Y aM I TaKiNg a PiC WiTh ThE PoPo?Me N JeSS @ ThE CLuB..Do I EvEn NeeD 2 SaY aNyThInG?Me N O-DoGG!!!TiTiEs In MuH FaCe!!!DrInKiNg It Up @ ThE CaMiEMe N CynnErS!PaRtYiN In DoWn ToWn WiTh MuH CuZiNs...
R&B, Hip Hop, Old School, Oldies,Rock ..pretty much everything...
Anything funny... I love funny movies
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My parents... they are the reason I am the person I am today... and my big bro and big sis...basically my family.. they have always been there to support me through all the shit I've put them through... I love you guys! They will always be #1 in my life..