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Everything to Lose

About Me

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My Interests

MUSIC- I took three years of piano when i was in elementary. It became an outlet for what the doctors diagnosed as ADD, and it was quite a bit cheaper than buying constant amounts of rydalin. At any rate, in middle school I joined the school band and began learning the ins and outs of percussion. This was an excellent outlet for my underlying ADD as it was something I could do at any time. Rhythyms were constantly tapped by feet and hands at all times of the day (much to the dismay of the unlucky students sitting around me who could hear the constant taps). Anyways, by my sophomore year I had been fed up with the THS band director, so I quit and took to private study of music. Feeling I had mastered percussion as a whole, I bought a bass guitar to play at $150 to continue my musical journey. During the time, my family was going through some extreme changes so I began to play bass nonstop for about a year. Feeling that I had surpassed those around me I began to play with fellow musician James Dehart now and then in a little band he named "Alliance". Although the band's life was shortlived it gave me invaluable experience that I would put away for later. Suddenly, in May 2005 I recieved an electric guitar from my aunt jane free of charge. She didn't know there was a difference between bass and guitar. I was thrilled nonetheless. I began to play nonestop, transfering what I knew on bass to guitar. Almost overnight I progressed to a level that was above friends of mine who had been playing for years. By this time I had stopped watching tv. The television I did watch was viewed with a guitar in hand. At this time I befriended a neighbor kid by the name of John Kneipp. He too played guitar, but I could tell that I was beyond his playing level. Nonetheless, we played together and I tought him all the riffs I constructed so I could make better ones. Songs progressed and so did our skill. At the time I was being heavily influenced by fellow musician Dan Sukow. I met him at the skatepark and instantly I knew this guy was into music as deep as I was. He invited me to one of his band's concerts- The Pocketbook Revolution. After seeing an awesome show I told my good friend Dave and pretty soon he began to come to see the shows as well. In Stevens Point, I saw local band Windsor Drive and was instantly hooked. After multiple parties and "good times" my musicianship has grown to a professional level. The tough issue I struggle with is how to use this talent. Well, for those of you who have made it through the history lecture congradulations! Leave me a comment with your three favorite bands.

I'd like to meet:

Musicians- I always love it when i find someone in town knows how to play something, you'd be suprised the number of musicians in tomahawk, wisconsin. Somebody in the music industry- I swear if I die and my music doesn't leave this pathetically closed minded town of hicks and chicks my afterlife will be spent in a very pissed state.


Before I played music, I listened to music. I found that this has been essential to my musical talent. At an early age, I raised a little hell. I lived next to a couple punks who got me involved in car theft in the summer now and then. In one car, I found some old rage against the machine cd's. This connected directly to the whole teenage-aggresion-I-hate-my-father-mindset. After awhile, my hellraising subsided, but the music remained. I continue to constantly up my music library that lies in my mind. , Less the Jake, and The Strokes are just the tip of the iceberg in my musical influences. Listen to Reptilia by The Strokes. It remains to be one of my top 3 songs in the universe. Leave me a comment with one of your favorite songs.


Although I hate tv, I really enjoy a good movie whether that be hypocritical or not. Clockwork Orange, The Wall, US Marshalls, and the new family guy movie are all good choices. Movies are oppurtunities to share a laugh, tear, or kiss. Leave me a comment with your favorite movie.


I have become very paranoid with the whole television concept. When I rarely do watch t.v it consists of music videos and family guy. Futurama, King of the Hill, and The Simpsons are good as well. Since all tv is garbage for the brain anyway, I figure you might as well pick the best trash. Leave me a comment with your favorite tv show.



My Blog

Second Hand Hero- Written last Fall

Hero   Second hand hero comes flyin with regret from the bedroom Unlucky for her its just a little too late   No matter what they hit they cant forget what happened at the bedpost Funny how ...
Posted by Aus an on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 02:52:00 PST

Deeper in the Day- Written last Winter

Deeper in the Day   I know theres times when youll be fallin deep in tragedy But Deeper in the day youll find youre fallin far away from me Yes Life is so demanding when the hope that lights your...
Posted by Aus an on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 02:57:00 PST