JACK IN THE PULPIT profile picture


About Me

In the post-grunge era of the late 90’s there seemed to be an endless supply of garage bands waiting to sell their souls to any generous record label that would give them the time of day. Jack in the Pulpit was not one of them.
Wesley Gant and Trey Willis, both music lovers and musicians since age thirteen, spent the latter end of their teen years in the music ministry at their church performing every week for over 150 kids. When they started their own band, it didn’t take long for the word to spread. Within the first six months, they had won two Battle-of-the-Bands and were introduced to producer Mike (M.D.) Thompson. In the six months following, they would sell five hundred copies of their first demo, and earn first place in a national Guitar Center/JBL promotional contest, which sent them to Los Angeles to record their first full-length album.
Since then, the band has been featured in several national publications and radio stations, as well as podcasts and other media around the world. They’ve shared the stage with such acts as Mute Math, Paramore, Cute is What We Aim For, and Starflyer 59, and have been touring regularly in Texas and Louisiana. In September of 2006 Jack in the Pulpit released their much-anticipated sophomore release, The Dissonance, to 5-star reviews and a growing fan base. The music video for their latest single “12:04” will be released April 2007.
With a resume that can out-rock most any other local act in the fourth-largest city in America, it is surprising that Jack in the Pulpit has never been represented by a management agency or label. They’ve worked alone, attributing their success to their music and word-of-mouth rather than gimmicks and excessive promotion.
Uniquely inspiring and yet addictively familiar, the music of Jack in the Pulpit seems to meld influences from across the spectrum of genres, abandoning all expectations. Rhythm and melody, beauty and dissonance, simplicity and energy; these are central themes to their music and message.
Jack in the Pulpit is about more than interviews and record sales, which is evident when asked why they do what they do. In Wesley's words, "It doesn't make much sense to have a microphone in front of you and not have anything to say. If I can make a difference in someone's life through lyrics or an inspiring piece of music, that's worth more to me than being some big rock star.”
It’s difficult not to find something to like about these guys, no matter who you are. There’s no doubt that with every song, every show, and every interview, they will continue to gain more fans. The best part will be watching it all happen.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/2/2005
Band Website: jackinthepulpit.com
Band Members: Wesley-Guitar/Vocals



Influences: Copeland
Death Cab for Cutie
Mute Math
Jimmy Eat World
Pedro the Lion
Abandoned Pools
Blonde Redhead
Sigur Ros
Foo Fighters
The Postal Service
Smashing Pumpkins
Too many to list..

Local bands you should check out...

Windsor Drive
The Simple Machines
Parking Lot Carnival
Million Year Dance
Winter Wallace
Sounds Like: Music.
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Where's JITP? (update)

Just wanted to give you folks an update on the band since we've been a bit absent lately. Shortly before the release of the 12:04 video our guitarist, Thao Tran, left the band to pursue other interest...
Posted by JACK IN THE PULPIT on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:16:00 PST

12:04 - A Music Video in the Making

As most of you probably know, the band is shooting a music video for the song 12:04, from the "The Dissonance" CD. I shall chronicle the event for you... Day 1 - Saturday, Jan. 27, 2007:The band arriv...
Posted by JACK IN THE PULPIT on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 02:53:00 PST


Hello friends,We wanted to fill everyone in on what has been going on in JITP land...We have parted ways with our guitarist and we're taking time off to write new material. We've got some other things...
Posted by JACK IN THE PULPIT on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 07:57:00 PST

Album Review - The Dissonance

Here's a review of our newest CD, by a guy named James Taylor. Not the famous one. He's from the band Consider The Source, but he also works doing music reviews.---------------------------------------...
Posted by JACK IN THE PULPIT on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 09:23:00 PST


Our first CD "Life Goes On" is now available on the infamous iTunes music store. If you don't have iTunes you should definitely go download it for free from the apple website... you don't even need a ...
Posted by JACK IN THE PULPIT on Mon, 29 May 2006 11:13:00 PST


we're in the process of finishing up a 7 song EP. it should be done by late summer or early fall. we've posted one of the songs from the new EP. it's the "untitled" track. the mixes are still rough, b...
Posted by JACK IN THE PULPIT on Fri, 05 May 2006 12:24:00 PST

MUTE MATH+100th show

we're very excited to be opening for MUTE MATH this thursday. if there was ANY band we would want to open for, it to be them. and it is actually happening. we're all super stoked about it. but a coupl...
Posted by JACK IN THE PULPIT on Tue, 02 May 2006 09:31:00 PST

Walter's 4/3/06

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... but it had nothing to do with two cities or a french revolution. no, I speak of our show this evening at Walter's. There was excitement and antic...
Posted by JACK IN THE PULPIT on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 01:17:00 PST

An EP in the Making

You create a melody and lyric, perhaps a chord progression from which to build a piece of music, a fragment of your own soul, to be stamped into plastic and shared with thousands of people, and stored...
Posted by JACK IN THE PULPIT on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 02:00:00 PST

JITP Videoblog 3 - Live at The Sidecar

JITP Videoblog 3NOTE: YOU WILL NEED QUICKTIME TO VIEW OUR VIDEOBLOGS. download it at apple.com...
Posted by JACK IN THE PULPIT on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 03:01:00 PST