This profile is maintained by Undertow Music. David Bazan does not respond to messages due to his busy recording and touring schedule. We do forward messages to him as needed. If you'd like to ask David a question please try and say hello to him at his next show. For the most up-to-date news please visit David's MySpace page or his official website
Though songwriter David Bazan fronts the enigmatic rock band Pedro the Lion, his emotionally charged narratives, eye for telling detail, and mournful voice have more in common with J.D. Salinger's "Nine Stories" or Flannery O'Connor's "Wise Blood" than with the usual lyrical slant of popular music. Bazan is a gifted storyteller, weaving parables of spiritual conflict, suburban ennui, and personal surrender into magnetic, well-crafted songs. David Bazan retired the Pedro The Lion band name in 2006. He's now releasing music under his own name. His first solo release "Fewer Moving Parts" is available now.