being happy in life, and living it to the fullest. becoming sucessful. traveling to foriegn realms of the world and meeting wonderful people. winning a poker tournement in AC or Vegas. starring in my own full feautre porn video with any of club jennas starlets. getting my first platinum plaque.The Mouth vs. Allen Cunningham
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PimpMySpace Kendra Wilkinson, Jenna Jameson, Devon, Jesse Capelli, Jesse Jane, Nikki Nova, Russell Simmons, Howard Stern, Eminem, Jay-Z, Dave Chappelle, Janine, Stacey Keebler, Heidi Cortez, Tila Tequila, Dr. Dre, Jin(theemcee), Mr. T.
49ers Press Kit Footage. i.E. Trubb, 302 holdin it down @ EE!MASH UP SHOW EAST END CAFE 49ers "Breath of Fresh Air" & "The Belts" peep me at the beginning and on stage wil'in out wit the DELAWARE MOTHERFUCKER tee 302 ALLDAY
.. width="425" height="350" ..Jedi Mind Tricks (Reef the Lost Cause, Vinnie Paz & Planetary) Tight Video shot in Philly
.. width="425" height="350" ..Serius Jones vs Murda Mook Smack DVD HOT SHIT!!
.. width="425" height="350" ..
Say Hey There
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PimpSpace Scarface, Goodfellas, The Godfather Trilogy, Menace 2 Society, any Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler movie, Enter the Dragon, any flick from any of the porn stars ive named above, Rounders, Pulp Fiction, Resivoir Dogs, Crush Groove, Beat Street, Breakin' 1 & 2, Seven, Die Hard Trilogy, Boyz in the Hood, Juice, Private Parts, Fast and the Furious
PimpMySpace Rap City tha Bassment, American Idol, Maury, Jerry Springer, Judge Judy, Real TV, MXE, Howard Stern Show, MTVs Direct Effect, Blind Date, Sportscenter, World Poker Tour and World Series of Poker series
Life & DEF, Misery, IT, The Last Don, Bad as I wanna Be, Private Parts, The Outsiders
Bruce Lee, Notorious B.I.G., Russell Simmons, Howard Stern, TuPac, my dad, John Wayne, Johnny Cash, Keenan Ivory Wayans, Jenna Jameson, Jimi Hendrix