Puzzles (any) and my fireplace. Also Sugar and my green chair. Grey Areas, Moral Dilemmas, Nuance.
Gore Vidal, Cyril Connolly, John Waters, Krishnamurti, but I guess the point is I don't want to meet Krishnamurti or at least I shouldn't.
Is just so great. Always Queen and always Shangri-La's, lately been liking Jimmy Cliff.
Broadcast News pretty much the best ever, gotta say Bowfinger, L'Eclisse was so beautiful, Contempt. Not this shit lately though, and I'm getting super bummed on you guys I'm not even kidding. But I really loved A Woman Under the Influence, imagine making something like that in your lifetime. Maybe Opening Night was better but that seance part was maybe a misstep. Probably I just don't get it, that'll be my favorite part in a few years. I liked Killing of a Chinese Bookie, he kind of stooped to make it in some ways but it was strong. Doesn't make my whole career/place-in-the-world confusion any less though.
Was the Rome series worth watching? Has Milius finally fell off? I don't know, I watched it.
Pretty much the best was Growth of the Soil and I'm really grateful I got turned onto it. I thought Elementary Particles had a lot of super good ideas and also some dumb ones but on balance it was super amazing. I read a book called "True Tales from the Annals of Crime and Rascality," that's just my kind of thing. Also I got this book where Coleridge explains how even though Wordsworth is a genius and his lifelong friend, he's full of shit in a few specific matters that need pointing up. So great.
Bill Blair, George Holstein, Michael Marqueson, Jake Phelps, Jed Eliscu, Kyle House, Arun Lele, Leah my sister