Tom Boyle profile picture

Tom Boyle

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds -- Albert Einstein

About Me

Swimming into large waves of consequence with a camera on the North Shore of Oahu is one of the best feelings in the world. I moved from Hawaii to Newport Beach in the year 2000 to be a producer for BLUETORCH TV, and now I'm in LA writing features. LA can be an abrasive town.... But, I've met some amazing people. I've been fortunate to travel to Australia, Brazil, El Salvador, Fiji, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mainland Mexico, Nepal, Norway, Peru, South Africa, Tahiti and Thailand. I believe everyone should have the opportunity to travel -- the education received is invaluable. Plus, everyone should know what it feels like to find their way around and not speak the language. They'd probably be more patient with others that need help in the future. People everywhere pretty much want the same things in life.*** ADDENDUM ***9/20/07 I moved back to Hawaii to produce and direct one of my feature-length original screenplays called TRUTH OR DARE. Currently in development.***
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BARACK OBAMA (my classmate/friend since 7th grade)

My Interests

Bodyboarding, surfing, bodysurfing, longboarding, skating vert or banks (Paul Revere), snowboarding, actors, the Lakers, friends of Bill, performing, dancing, singing, comedy clubs, running, swimming, writing or reading on the sand -- listening to the ocean -- with salt water drying on my skin from the warm sun

I'd like to meet:

All footage shot and edited by Tom Boyle to LINKIN PARK's FRGT/10 with ALCHEMIST featuring CHALI 2NA off of the REANIMATION album (better with headphones on). BETTER WITH YOUR HEADPHONES ON... Moving Water

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Old School Hip Hop, TSOL, Jack Johnson, Punk, Classical, Blues, House, 70's and 80's, Linkin Park, Cheesy Disco, House, Alternative, Ambient, Metal


Harold and Maude, Trainspotting, Billy Jack, Young Frankenstein, Almost Famous, Napoleon Dynamite, Dogtown and Z-Boys (Documentary), On Any Sunday (Bruce Brown), Free Ride (Bill Delaney), American Graffiti, Apocalypse Now, Sleeper, Scarface, Platoon, A Clockwork Orange, Being There, The Silence of the Lambs, Fargo, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Do the Right Thing, Taxi Driver, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Traffic, The Birds, The Graduate, Marathon Man, United 93, Fight Club, Team America, Crash, Walk the Line, This is Spinal Tap, I Am Cuba, Slap Shot, The Breakfast Club, Wedding Crashers, The Commitments, Bully, Papillon, Midnight Cowboy, Animal House


News, Project Runway, Survivor, all late night talk shows (except Carson Daly), Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Office, My Name is Earl and Entourage


DREAMS FROM MY FATHER written by my friend and classmate Barack Obama, OCCUPATION: SKATEBOARDER by Tony Hawk with Sean Mortimer, and IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE by Walter Murch, editor and sound designer for APOCALYPSE NOW


Mom and my late Father (James Walter Boyle), my photography mentor Steve Wilkings, photo editor Peter Brouillet, my first photo editor Larry Moore (Flame) and Rap Reiplinger...

My Blog

3 in 1 Collector's Edition DVD

The much anticipated re-release of Tom Boyle's Classic Series BODYBOARDERS VIDEO MAGAZINE on DVD, begins with a triple-feature (3 videos on 1 Collector's Edition disc).The INDONESIAN EXPERIENCE (1990)...
Posted by Tom Boyle on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 03:06:00 PST