Betty Lou profile picture

Betty Lou

American classic, not japanese plastic. ♥

About Me

HI! The name's Betty.
AIM SN = Betty Lou Ford I
I'm that girl with the red hair and big eyes
that has a badass truck. :)
who is training with Ford
The Family...
I have a father who will shoot you if you touch his hair
I have a short mother who wears cute shoes with 3" heels
I have a brother who cuffs his jeans too much
I have a sister who I could care less about
I have a cousin who can and will kick your ass
I have a grandmother who is extremely blunt
I have an uncle (Oliver) who I talk to about cars
Fuck with this family and you're screwed. ♥
There's a girl named Enna Bleu. I love her to death. She is my Ethel. You have no idea how much this girl means to me. She's down to earth. She has a retarded heart and has a scar from surgery which she finds ugly. I think it's pretty badass. We used to read each other's xangas, so we knew about each other's lives without really knowing who we really were. There were 3 whole months where her and I didn't talk and it was TORTURE! But it was a much needed break -- which we both understood and expected. But things worked out in the end. =) Now, we're trouble when we're together. We'll make you laugh. We finish each other's's scary.
Enna Bleu: and yes. i finish your sentences. only because you're too stupid to think of it on your own :] ily!
Seriously, fuck with her and I'll let her borrow my truck so she can run you over going 10mph (cause that's the fastest she's ever driven). I love how we came from 2 different worlds but still managed to become so close. We plan on growing old and breaking onto the field during finals in wheel chairs. We've got Vegas in Summer '10. I love her far beyond comprehension. ♥
| T | A | T | T | O | O | S | my anti-drug...ish
I turned 18 about 4 months ago and I've already have 9.
I started before I was 18.
I'm off to a good start. parents don't know yet.
Currently: working on getting my back finished
Next tattoo: shading on my spiderwebs
I drive an orange &white '74 F100 named Wednesday.
She is also known as The Crémesicle (not Creamsicle!)
She means more to me than anything in the world.
I like driving around pointlessly
I have so many memories in my truck.
♥ After not having hung out with Enna Bleu for 3 months, we walked up to my truck in the parking lot to give her a ride home and she ran up to my truck and hugged it.
♥ The roof is on fiya!
♥ Bored on the set of The Watermelon because she (my truck) was busy becoming famous.
♥ *let go of steering wheel on the freeway* Please don't stop the music *CLAP CLAP!*
♥ Teaching Enna Bleu to drive
♥ Driving on some street and one of my wheels was making a squeaky noise. I shush it and it stops for like 3 seconds and continues. I started laughing.
♥ Random money offers for my truck in the stragest places; ie. the freeway; a pedestrian when i'm in the left lane on raymond in pasadena (this one totally scared me); parking structure people; etc.
♥ Tailgating riceburners and watching their facial expressions
♥ Enna Bleu breaking the button to release the seatbelt. So I tell her to buckle the seatbelt in attempt to make the button pop back up, but as I was telling her not to buckle herself in, I hear a click...and she's stuck. She has to slide out.
♥ Stuck in 5mph traffic on the 5 with Enna Bleu scratching my arm telling me she's bored.
♥ Stuck in the same traffic, Enna looking behind the seat to see if she can find some form of entertainment and starts hitting the seat in excitement when she found and unopened bag of goldfish crackers. It doesn't stop there. She proceeds to sticking her arm behind the seat and gets stuck. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
♥ After getting gasoline on Alameda, we're pulling out of the driveway and Enna Bleu goes "AWWWWWW! KIIIITTTIIIIES!......wait...those are dogs."
♥ Me looking retarded trying to steer with my elbows on the way to Long Beach because there was a handclap in the song.
♥ Steph bouncing up and down on the seat all day. We had no idea what was up with her. She must've been horny.
♥ Making an Ontario cop look like a moron when he pulled me over for "not wearing a seatbelt". When I showed him that they were lap belts, he attempted to still prove me wrong by asking me what was by my shoulder. I showed him that it was the black weatherstripping that goes around my door (it does stick out cause my interior paint is white and my weatherstripping is black, but still). IN YOUR FACE ASSHOLE! Why would a seatbelt be less than an inch thick? FUCKING MOOOOORON!
I LOVE TRUCKS, cars, and bikes.
especially the classics, customs, hot rods, rat rods, and muscle.
But I have this weird obsession with diesel engines
even though my first love will always be carburated engines.
Though I want to work as a technician at a dealer now,
I do want to get into the world of customs.
JORGE! Cummins Powerstroke Duramax!!!
Don't argue with it, you drive a taco.
I love music.
I listen to all sorts of music.
I have the most random music on my ipod
but they'll all make you want to get up and move.
My main two instruments are bass & trumpet,
but I do play other things.
I want to get an upright bass.
Everything I've said so far is pretty tomboy-ish
I do have the girly side of me that loves fashion.
I run a line called JBt Fashion (which has been pushed aside for a while).
I like to look my best and I like to dress up.
"Dress to impress" except for when I'm in the shop. hah
Guys with superduties are yummy.
Guys in uniform are even better.
Guys with tattoos are just *smiles*.
Put them together and I'm set.
I'm the disco fucker of the new generation.
i'm in line with active invention.
here's a first to forward your fucking evolution.
head full of ten o'clock edutcation.
military action give me justice and american solution.
it's the headline of the baby in arms.
hand to hand darkness that shuts the curtain
on this weeks call to arms.
Against Me! - "Impact"
The cars I've stalked...
Conversations with Sadie Dean...
Fontana Goo
Betty Lou: uhm...omgosh...i had this dream
B L: it was kinda strange
Sadie Mae: mhmm
S M: that all white men and black men would be friends
B L: i lived on my own in a somewhat big house
B L: in fontana
B L: that i owned
S M: uh huh
S M: really
S M: that's cool
B L: cause like i owned and operated a trucking company
S M: hahah
S M: that's cool
B L: so then ****** calls me
B L: and he wants to talk
S M: what!
S M: no!
B L: and asks if he can come over
S M: bad
S M: bad dream
S M: no!
B L: it gets good
B L: so shhhh
S M: you said no right
S M: ahhhh!
S M: you shot him
S M: please say you killed him
B L: i told him it was okay
S M: no
S M: why!
S M: omg
S M: this is horrible
B L: no...shut up...lemme finish
B L: you'll like where it ends
B L: so i told him i lived in fontana
S M: mhmm
B L: so bascially i told him to turn left onto this one street and he'll immediately know which house was mine
B L: (i had a shit load of old cars)
S M: uh huh
S M: go on
S M: he gets hit by a car
S M: right?
B L: and so he came
S M: oh damn
S M: and!
S M: and?
S M: and!
B L: and he parked in my driveway
S M: no!
S M: not the driveway
B L: and we talked for hours and hours
S M: no!
S M: no talking
B L: and he had a couple beers
S M: and he died
B L: lol
B L: NO!
S M: you shot him
B L: shhhh
S M: you kicked him!
S M: ok ok
S M: hurry
S M: tell me
S M: I must know the ending!
B L: and so i told him he better stay the night
B L: so he did
B L: blah blah blah
S M: no!
S M: what is wrong w/ you
S M: this is a horrible horrible dream
B L: and then in the morning
B L: he woke me up
S M: you cooked him breakfast
B L: and he was looking out the window
B L: (this is where it gets goo)
B L: good*
S M: goo!
S M: yes
S M: goo!
S M: this is getting really good
S M: I like goo
S M: goo is good
S M: ok go
S M: come on
B L: that made me laugh
B L: sorry
B L: okay
S M: and
S M: haha
S M: sorry
S M: continue
S M: please
B L: my dad thinks i'm crazy
B L: okay
S M: ya
S M: well he's not the only one
S M: so anyways
S M: go on
B L: okay
S M: mhmm
B L: so basically...he's like..."i didn't notice you had a bug when i got here"
B L: and i was like..."hahaha. omgosh. what a loser!"
B L: and he was like..."what?"
S M: what?
S M: so weird
S M: this dream is wack yo
B L: and i was like..."go down stairs and look at who's crashed out on my couch or most likely watching tv
B L: and so he goes downstairs
B L: and serg is there
B L: lol
S M: hahaha
S M: so random
S M: hahaha
S M: I love it
B L: and serg is like..."how'd you sleep?"
B L: and blah blah blah
S M: serg is goo
S M: hahaha
B L: i made them breakfast
B L: and we were all talking
B L: and then jokingly ****** was like..."he gets a key to your house. how can i get a key?"
B L: and serg just glared at him
B L: and then ****** was like..."i'm just kidding"
B L: and serg started yelling at him and asking him stuff like "do you even know how much you hurt her?" and stuff like that
B L: and it was awesome
B L: okay
B L: there
B L: he didn't die
B L: but he did get yelled at by serg
B L: lol
S M: weird
S M: ass
S M: mofo
S M: dream
B L: but it had all the elements...possible scenarios for sex; exbf; old cars; big house in the middle of nowhere; and goo
B L: can't forget the goo
S M: ya goo
S M: totally = sex
B L: o_O
S M: idk
S M: just nod your head
S M: and go along w/ it

After a long night of partying...
Betty Lou: awwwwwwwww
B L: and then...
B L: and then...
B L: and then...jessica had to go to the bathroom
B L: brb
Sadie Dean: har har har har
B L: so like...i finished the dress
B L: =)
B L: and everyone thought it was cute
S D: ya what does it look like?
B L: and they liked my fabric
B L: go to my myspace
S D: I knew it would turn out good
B L: it's on there
S D: ok
S D: will do
S D: you pee forever
S D: and ever
S D: and ever
S D: and ever
B L: noooooo
S D: and ever
B L: i've been back
S D: hahha
S D: oh
B L: i've been back since i said "i finished the dress"
B L: hahaha
B L: you weirdo
S D: but you said you had to pee
S D: oh man
S D: I guess I'm really that tired

What happens when I step away for 2 seconds...
Sadie Dean: pilot speed
S D: is awesome!
S D: ignore me
S D: pipeline/kill time by sonic youth
S D: another great song
S D: I feel like I'm talking to myself
S D: this is cool
S D: hahaha
S D: yes
S D: I rule
S D: the world
S D: no
S D: the universe
S D: yes sadie
S D: you do
S D: ya i know
S D: you're so rad
S D: ya I know

Good morning...
Betty Lou: i totally ditched my class today
B L: y'know...the one where i sit in front of the computer for hours and talk to you
Sadie Dean: hahaha like you are now?
B L: i figured i'd be more comfortable doing it in the comfort of my own home

haha. NOT FUNNY!
Betty Lou: ROARRR!
Sadie Dean: hahaha
S D: that actually scared me
B L: i'm not that ugly
B L: *puts paper bag over head*
S D: *draws funny face on bag*

So simple...
Betty Lou: i'll be back in a little bit
Sadie Dean: okey dokey smokey
*30 minutes later*
S D: on crack!
S D: what are you doing?
S D: eating?
B L: no
S D: sleeping?
B L: i wish
S D: reading?
S D: bathing?
B L: i'm sitting
S D: scratching?
S D: ah
S D: sitting
S D: so simple

Officially a loser
Betty Lou: it's never official unless you get a pin
Sadie Dean: hahah
B L: that's why people have to have those "i am loved" pins
S D: true
S D: very true
B L: i'm juust gonna get a pin that says "awesome"
B L: just to make it official
S D: and I'll get one that says "loser"

Betty Lou: what's landscaping?
B L: cause my friend's like..."i'm making blueprints of my house cause i'm landscaping"
B L: and i dunno what landscaping is
Sadie Dean: landscaping
S D: is like developing
S D: for housing
S D: and crap
S D: before the initial architecture
B L: does that mean he's adding on to his house or something?
S D: no
S D: it means he's setting the ground work
S D: basically
B L: but his house is already built
S D: oh
S D: maybe he's fixing something
S D: damn woman! look it up
B L: lol
B L: sorry
B L: =(
S D: hahaha it's cool
S D: what is it then?
B L: i dunno
B L: he said
B L: "im doing blue prints of my house on my comp. so i can get the right demensions, then im gana do the outside"
S D: I'll look it up
S D: landscaping: section or expanse of rural scenery, usually extensive, that can be seen from a single viewpoint. 2. a picture representing natural inland or coastal scenery. 3. Fine Arts. the category of aesthetic subject matter in which natural scenery is represented.
B L: oh. okay.

Spice Girls...
Sadie Dean: we're covering a song
S D: it's gonna be tight!
Betty Lou: what song?
S D: oooh
S D: that's gonna be a secret
S D: cuz it's really random
S D: I want you to be like
S D: that's incredible
B L: i knew you were gonna say that
B L: cause you would've told me already
S D: yep
B L: is it a spice girls song?
B L: cause that'd be awesome
B L: lol
S D: hahaha no
S D: no way
S D: "if you wanna be my lover, you gotta get w/ my friends"
S D: wtf is that?
S D: please fuck my friends first
S D: and then we'll talk
S D: hahaha
B L: they wanna know if he's any good
B L: lol
B L: jk
S D: hahaha
S D: oh gosh

so confused!
Sadie Dean: there's like the cutest kid here right now
Betty Lou: is she selling cookies?
S D: no little little girl
S D: 2yrs old
S D: she's uber cute
S D: I miss my sister now
B L: is she selling girl scout cookies?
S D: no
S D: she's a reps daughter
B L: dammit
S D: I'll let you know when the sale is
B L: next year
B L: *sigh*
S D: my boss' daughter is a girl scout
B L: actually
B L: it was at some point in time in the spring
B L: cause it was before i dropped
S D: hahahah
S D: dropped what?
S D: school
S D: high school?
S D: I'm lost
S D: see what you did
S D: are you happy
S D: look at the mess you made
S D: jeez
B L: dropped my fash 2 class
B L: which was spring semester
B L: but mid spring semester
B L: when it was like raining
B L: so like in april?
S D: april showers
S D: bring may flowers
B L: i don't want flowers
B L: i want girl scout cookies

no, you didn't.
Sadie Dean: you went away
Betty Lou: no i didn't
S D: yes you did
B L: i was just trying to print something
S D: no you weren't
B L: yeah i am
B L: it's printing right now
B L: and now...something i tried printing like 3 days ago started printing
B L: hahaha
S D: no you're not
S D: no it didn't
B L: you suck
S D: you swallow
B L: lol
S D: hardy har har
B L: i bought that song on vinyl yesterday
B L: and it has the remix on it
B L: and i'm listening to it right now
S D: no you didn't
S D: no you're not
B L: i went on an amoeba adventure yesterday
S D: no you didn't
B L: ahhhhhh
B L: i just hit my leg on the corner of the table
B L: i think i know where all my leg bruises are coming from
S D: no you didn't
S D: and no they're not
B L: grrrr
S D: arrrg
B L: you're a pirate
S D: no I'm not
S D: you are
B L: dammit
B L: noooo...since when
S D: since no
S D: *now
B L: hahaha. you can't spell
S D: yes I can
B L: i think i can, i think i can
S D: you can't, you can't
B L: bitch
B L: lol
B L: look at my aim info
S D: no
S D: never!
B L: lol
B L: guess what i'm listening to
B L: you're gonna laugh
S D: nothing!
S D: har har har
B L: noooo. van halen's 1984
B L: i found it in my piles of records
S D: no you didn't
S D: panama-a-a
B L: yup
S D: no!
B L: ='(
S D: no
S D: you're not sad
S D: you're happy!
S D: no no no
S D: bad bad jess bad jess

Betty Lou: can i get brown package wrap at office depot?
Sadie Dean: I think so
S D: if not there try staples
S D: or maybe the post office
B L: there's no staples near here
B L: i'm sure office depot has it
S D: oh
S D: really?
S D: in burbank
S D: oh wait
S D: you're in pasadena
B L: no
B L: i'm at home
S D: oh well there's one in burbank
S D: at the empire center
B L: too far
B L: office depot is on the other block
S D: no it's not!
S D: ok fine
S D: racist
B L: racist?
S D: ya
S D: sure
S D: why not
B L: you're the one who said it!
S D: ya so
S D: what are you going to do about it?
B L: i'm going to make faces at you
B L: O_o
B L: o_O
B L: O_O
S D: uh huh
S D: they actually really resemble you
S D: har har har
B L: the last one does
B L: cause i have big eyes
S D: yep
S D: true to dat

armo? retarded? what?
Betty Lou: whaaaat?
Sadie Dean: what?
B L: qué?
S D: vwuat?
B L: going armo on me now?
S D: um no
S D: are you going tard on me now?
B L: yes
B L: yes i am
B L: O_o
B L: see my tarded eyes
S D: uh huh
S D: but you always look like that

the process of forgiving
Betty Lou: sorry
Sadie Dean: it's ok
S D: I'll forgive you
S D: hold on
S D: let me forgive you
S D: *forgiving*
S D: ok
S D: I'm done
B L: you are such a dork
S D: huh
S D: no I'm not!
S D: you are!
S D: and that's final

disabled gummi bears
Betty Lou: i didn't know gummi bears were packaged by people with disabilities
B L: someone told me it says that on the box
Sadie Dean: what?
S D: oh ya
S D: like some will have no head or no arm

Betty Lou: HIIIII
Sadie Dean: hola
S D: como estas?
B L: i'm fine
B L: lemme go change my shirt
S D: no
B L: too bad
B L: i already changed
B L: lol
S D: darn!

Sadie Dean: man...
S D: darn!
S D: darN!
S D: daRn!
S D: hahah
S D: this is fun
S D: nrad
S D: racecare
S D: racecar*
Betty Lou: lol
B L: you messedededed up
S D: man that's a flippin awesome word!
S D: racecar backwards is
S D: racecar
B L: mom backwards is mom

the face
Sadie Dean: you suck
S D: I kid you
S D: but really
Betty Lou: ^_^
S D: what's this?
S D: you're asian now?
B L: no
B L: there's no peace sign

coming out
Sadie Dean: do it!
S D: hahaha
Betty Lou: you weirdo
S D: yep sure am and PROUD OF IT!
S D: funny last week my fam and I were watching a movie and then I'm like "Guys..I'm weird"
S D: and they're like "What?"
B L: you came out to your parents
S D: and I repeat "I'm weird"
S D: and they're like why?
S D: and I say "Mom, you're weird"
S D: and she's like "Why?...why am I weird?"
S D: and I'm like "I'm weird"
S D: and they just stared at me

jewish santa
Betty Lou: it's like..."you're married. you ain't gotta look good for anyone."
Sadie Dean: I know...except when my dad doesn't shave for like a day...he has a full beard
B L: hahahaha
B L: santi claus
S D: ya...the jewish one
B L: moses?
S D: hahahah you crack me up
B L: really?
B L: i should go buy you some dry skin lotion then
B L: don't want you looking like mona lisa

lie upon lie
Sadie Dean: you smell
Betty Lou: well...YOU'RE UGLY!
S D: see. you're bad at lying.
B L: i know
B L: i suck

aching boobs
Sadie Dean: no!
S D: don't yell at me!
S D: and don't tell me what to do!
S D: it hurts right here
B L: is that pointing to your boobs?
S D: yes
S D: wait
S D: no
S D: maybe

30 seconds to mars...
Sadie Dean: guess what
Betty Lou: chicken butt
S D: no
S D: dumb shit!
S D: har har har
S D: I'm kidding
S D: really
B L: i can't guess
S D: the guy from 30 seconds to mars is HOT!
B L: that's it?
B L: gosh
S D: ya
S D: it was that simple
S D: tard

nature calls...
Sadie Dean: ok not cool
S D: you're ignoring me
S D: wtf
S D: I love you!
S D: doesn't that matter?
S D: fine!
S D: I don't want to talk to you either
S D: I'll just sit her
S D: *here
S D: fuck!
S D: here
S D: here
S D: here
S D: god damnit!
S D: mmmmm
S D: tacos
Betty Lou: sorry. i went to the bathroom
B L: hahaha
S D: no you didn't
S D: that's just a lame excuse
S D: that's all
B L: yeah. true
S D: I knew it
S D: there you go again
S D: gone
S D: let me guess
S D: you're taking a shit

conversations with oneself
Sadie Dean: I wish I could have conversations w/ myself
S D: cuz I'm so damn funny
Betty Lou: you do
S D: I would be laughing all day
S D: omg
S D: that would be rad
B L: did you not read the one where you had a convo w/ yourself
S D: oh ya
S D: that was funny
S D: damn
S D: I'm funny
S D: not funny looking
S D: just to set that straight
S D: damn
S D: I just got cream cheese on my nose
B L: wtf ar eyou doing?
S D: eating a bagel
S D: wtf ar eyou doing?
S D: har har har
S D: I can spell just as goodly as you can

the taco song
Sadie Dean: tacos
S D: I'm going to write a song
S D: know what it's gonna be about?
Betty Lou: tacos?
B L: lol...messiah's ketchup song
S D: *ding-ding-ding*
S D: johnny we got a winner
B L: who the fuck is johnny
B L: and why are you talking to him
B L: ar eyou cheating on me?
S D: I ar enot cheating on you
S D: hahahahhaa
B L: it's not my fault i have fat fingers

Sadie Dean: so get this
S D: I wrote a comedy about
S D: plato and aristotle
S D: funny huh
S D: well I think so
S D: no!
S D: don't look at me like that!
S D: stop
S D: ahhhhhhh
S D: I'm melting!!!!!!!!!!
S D: ahhhhhhhhhhhh.............
S D: hello?
S D: is there anybody out there?
S D: oh hi sadie
S D: oh hi there
S D: how are you
S D: I'm great
S D: and you?
S D: oh just swell
S D: thanks for asking
S D: oh ya
S D: what?
S D: I don't know
S D: what?
S D: I don't know
S D: you said oh ya
S D: I know
S D: so what?
S D: fuck
S D: what?
S D: leave me alone!
S D: why?
S D: go away

Betty Lou: are you satisfied my love? are you satisfied?
Sadie Dean: ummm. no?
S D: I don't know what to say!
B L: that's probably the only horrorpops song i can play on upright
S D: you can play upright?
B L: no
S D: oh
S D: I take that SWEET! back then
B L: but that song is easy enough
B L: that i can
B L: i tried it at guitar center
B L: on the electric upright
S D: oh
S D: well I take the take back and give it back!

My Interests

Wednesday (my truck), my little brother, getting inked, working on cars, pinstriping, designing, sewing, pinup, greasers, trucks, diesel engines, using car parts as everyday things (ie. using a valve as a place to put my rings), car shows, bandanas, pirates, Starbucks, men in uniform, JBt Fashion, Enna Bleu, Stephanski

I'd like to meet:

a boy who'd look good in this...


I know great people...
just to name a few...

RockNRoad Pirates CC


Enna Bleu











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There, are you happy Enna? ♥

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Against Me!
Seeking Susan
Rise Against
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
Stray Cats
♥ Madison Scouts ♥
Santa Clara Vanguard
The Cavaliers
The Black Keys
Tiger Army
Os Catalepticos
Rockabilly Mafia
Guana Batz
Frantic Flinstones
Hillbilly Hellcats
Link Wray
The Meteors
The Rev
The Slanderin
Squirrel Nut Zippers
Iron Maiden
Duke Ellington
Royal Crown Revue
Brian Setzer Orchestra
Frank Sinatra
Etta James
Cherry Poppin' Daddies
and the list goes
on and on and on...


♥ Curly Sue ♥
Detroit Rock City
The Virgin Suicides
The Car
Stand By Me
La Bamba
Pan's Labyrinth
Latter Days
The Labyrinth
The Never Ending Story
The Sandlot
Black Dog
Prozac Nation
Some Like It Hot
Rear Window
Dial M for Murder
The Birds
The Shining


I Love Lucy
Sex & The City
Will & Grace
Grey's Anatomy
Law & Order
The Late Night Guys:
Leno, Conan, & Carson


Angels & Demons
Boy Meets Boy
Demon In My View
The Giver
How To Kill A Rockstar
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs


Cindy Ray
Betty Broadbent

My Blog

I always stay longer than I should...

i never wanted to admit to this but my love wasn't true i rescue the lonely because i'm lonely too and the way you smile the way you laugh reminds me of myself before i fell apart like a drug infected...
Posted by Betty Lou on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 03:55:00 PST

Something Rodriguez showed us in class.

You stay up for 16 hoursHe stays up for days on end.You take a warm shower to help you wake up.He goes days or weeks without running water.You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.He gets shot a...
Posted by Betty Lou on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 06:32:00 PST

tired and bored

1OO RANDOM QUESTIONS SURVEY1. 4th grade teacher's name:ms. knott2. Last words you said:"uhhhh. no"3. Last song you listened to:the faint - posed to death (mojolators remix)4. Last person you hugg...
Posted by Betty Lou on Tue, 15 May 2007 09:49:00 PST

rough starts...

y'know what i've noticed.sometimes you come to conclusions about peopleeven though you'd rather not because you don't really know them.then, when you talk to them because of some situation,and you rea...
Posted by Betty Lou on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:01:00 PST

i've been thinking...

(maybe a little too much for that matter) as i drove around with marianne last night, i just started talking out of my ass (like i also do when we drive around). out of nowhere, i just said, "to tell ...
Posted by Betty Lou on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 11:48:00 PST

EQUINOX (pictures of The Garden Angels and SS)

CLICK TO ENLARGE...DUH!picture will open in different window ...
Posted by Betty Lou on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 12:52:00 PST

DCI summer

I found myself where it all started last night. One day at the beginning of this summer, I found myself at a Carls Jr. with a friend talking over fries and chocolate milkshakes. The only thing on my m...
Posted by Betty Lou on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 01:08:00 PST


When you said you loved me, did you really love me or did the words just spill out like drool on my pillow? Cause I was naked when you said those words, but I felt covered in your whispered worship. A...
Posted by Betty Lou on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 12:20:00 PST

I'm a Scout...if I were a guy.

You scored as Madison Scouts. You are a Madison Scout! You love to please the crowd. Straight lines are fun, especially rotating them. A bunch of men don't bother you... at least I hope not. Jazz ...
Posted by Betty Lou on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 10:40:00 PST

vans warped tour 2006 (pix)

Some pictures from warped tour. my husband - Andrew Seward (the bass player) James Bowman  Thomas Gable Warren Oakes I am a hamster...according to Connor. I felt so SHORT all day!!! ...
Posted by Betty Lou on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 01:01:00 PST