Baby Blue profile picture

Baby Blue

Dare to be different

About Me

I'll let it out this way cuz it's easier: -My name is Jacob (For you Costco people: NOT JEFF)-I work at Costco -I love my car..a lot -..I actually own 2 cars..soon to be 3 -I love basketball -Laker fan 4 LYFE! -Chip Foose is my hero -I'm obsessed with Overhaulin' -I draw..a lot -I have a line for retro car designs -I'm currently doing a line fo custom car drawings that I am actually pretty confident with -More to come...but if you wanna know more IM me: KLDunktify53 -Why not take a quiz?
Create your own Friend Quiz here

My Interests

I love cars, basketball, Music, meeting people, friends... especially the close ones.

I'd like to meet:

All you people


Rock, Hip Hop, Oldies and somtimes small bits of pop here and there and Celtic when I need it. I'm still open to new stuff..except country..I hate it! Haha.


That Thing You Do, The Love Bug, Gone in Sixty Seconds (Eleanor!!!), The Fast and the Furious, 2 Fast 2 Furious (Even though I dun like rice rockets, rice burners wutever), Napoleon Dynamite


Letterman, Friends, Rides, Overhaulin' Simpsons, Family Guy...and more...too tired to list everything.


I don't like to read...xcept magazines...that'd be Hot Rod, Popular Hot Rodding, Mopar, HotVWs, DUB...I think ya get the idea. SLAM! magazine I just discovered and omg the writing is the best!

My Blog

They bring you up...They bring you down

10 Most encouraging people:10.) The parents of certain friends. Actually there are only two particular examples. A certain friend's family who was shocked about the way I speak and present myself they...
Posted by Baby Blue on Tue, 27 May 2008 06:19:00 PST


Because I'm not all muscle with a 6-pack to die forBecause I didn't spike my hairBecause I'm a not blonde-haired, blue-eyed guy you'd see at A&FBecause I'm not a jockBecause I'm not Chicano ThugzB...
Posted by Baby Blue on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 01:07:00 PST

Her last Mother's Day

..>  ..> I was at work starting at 10:30. The day was hell too. Not just was I extended to 8 hours (making me leave as early as 7), but I ended up doing an hour and a half of overtime. ...
Posted by Baby Blue on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 08:04:00 PST

The Larry Facts (Courtesy of Jef)

-When Larry jumps in the ocean Larry doesn't get wet, wet gets Larry-Once day Larry woke up really hungry. he had a breakfast of champions by eating Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretsky, Tiger Woods and Dere...
Posted by Baby Blue on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 01:21:00 PST

The truth...

Note to girls: Before reading this and before you get defensive on how men are just as bad. This blog isn't about us. It's about you.Most guys actually do want just the SEX, judge only on LOOKS and di...
Posted by Baby Blue on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 01:06:00 PST

Special Girl

Its the ridaz (yeah) im looking for that special girlmy super woman{chorus}Dear lord on my knees can you hear my prayersis she really out there i need to know cause my whole lifeive searched the whole...
Posted by Baby Blue on Thu, 25 May 2006 12:54:00 PST

Friday Night's Memories...Justine!!!

-It rained!!! -Somehow selling 8 tix -Getting caught..and getting away with it!! -Making fun of the crappy songs -Meetin up with Vince, Fernanda and Miral -The train that never happened -Justine...
Posted by Baby Blue on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 01:08:00 PST


1.) *We were taking our Final for US History and he was our proctor*Yurak: Do you guys mind if we listen to some music?Class: No*Yurak turns on music*Yurak: Hey Pena you like this music?Pena: ..uhh.....
Posted by Baby Blue on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Gone Again...

I was at the Auto Show last night that was goin down at the Conventioon Center. It was about just after 9 in the Kentia Hall (wit all the aftermarket parts and accessories and pimped out and tricked ...
Posted by Baby Blue on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Giggle Loop

Its like a feedback loop. You're somewhere quiet. There's people. Its a solemn occasion - say, a wedding. No - it's a minutes silence for someone who's died. The minute is ticking away... tick tock ti...
Posted by Baby Blue on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST