Movies. Shoes. US Weekly, the 99% reliable gossip magazine. Project Runway. Any MTV Real World/Road Rules Challenge. My son and all of his amazing tricks. G-diddy, my favorite artist.
Bill Clinton, Hal Sparks, Matt Damon, Barack Obama.
Kimberly --
Similar to butter in texture and appearance
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
Your Pimp Name Is...
G-string Slick
What's Your Pimp Name?
You MUST get Sirius satellite radio. Got it for Howard Stern, but a bonus...the all 80's station is so choice. Old school hip hop and R&B. Mary J. Blige, OutKast (ATLiens!), Tupac. A good mix. NO HOUSE MUSIC.
Love Actually, 4 Weddings and A Funeral...all Hugh Grant goodness. Bourne Identity (Matt Damon kicking ass and looking hot!). All Indiana Jones. Original Star Wars. Steel Magnolias. When Harry Met Sally. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective ("and then he's up on the tail...eeeeeee").
Sex and the City...oh, how I miss you. Lost. CSI: the original. Dirty Jobs and Deadliest Catch--love these Discovery channel shows. Boston Legal. Project Runway, bitches!
The Witching Hour, She's Come Undone, The Kiterunner, Angels and Demons (forget the DaVinci Code, this is a much better read), InStyle's my bible, therefore it counts as a book.
My mom and grandma, wonderful examples of strong women. My lovely girlfriends who keep me sane and entertained.