diy,noiSe,bikes,art,music,cooking,sticking my finger into peoples mouths while yawning
someone in bergen county area that fixes bikes,people who give away their clothes,people from all over the world,artists,anyone who loves to cook, oh and people who tell good traveling stories or just any stories in general..
punk from around the world confuse,a//political,moderatlikvidation,disorder,gai,pisschr ist,nukketeatteri,mellakka maho neitsyt,crudos,kohu 63,huasipungo,desobediencia civil, ataque frontal,gbh,Kaaos,subhumans,ratos de porao,discharge,disclose,anti-armada, fucking distortion til deafness
gore gore gore
i love ren & stimpy
as of now:
Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin (the movie is cool too)
Looking foward to reading the Son of Rosemary also.
and 1984 by George Orwell
awesome book.