So i popped out the baby and am now a derby girl. jammin on the back bay bomshells. so freakin fun. Also, i am really into sewing machines right now. God knows i cant sew to save my life, but i just like to take them apart and tinker with the weird parts inside. Also, who would have thought being a mom would be so awesome?
this is a weird question.
I love modest mouse, but have to have the disclaimer that i am having a hard time admiting that now that they play on the mainstream. snotty, yes. and J5 and black eyed peas and wilco. quite the combo. and my hubbys band Lucena, claro.
amelie. any movie that i can watch a billion times over and over before i go to bed. like who framed roger rabbit and the little mermaid. i counted down the days when the latter was available on dvd again recently.
who needs cable? well, i'd take it if i had the cash flow.
books that are kinda dark, cause i dont get that. dennis prager books, kurt vonnegut, and i like survival books. like i have read the one about the guy who cut his own arm off about 3 times. and, obviously, the bible.
hopefully, the people i hang out with the most.