I have to say that MUSIC is my passion. I love just about every kind, grew up with it, my Dad played the piano, he was amazing, could play anything. I miss that. Basketball is my fav sport, baseball is ok, football would have to be last. Reading - a good thriller, mystery, some romance is good. Meeting interesting people with same interests as I have. And then meeting people who are so totally different and learning from them... Love it! Mods"
My grandfathers (never knew them), Clay Aiken, David Foster, Jodi Foster,Sandra Bullock, Ellen, Whoopi Goldberg,Robin Williams ,Billy Joel,Queen Latifa, Clay Aiken oh did i already say that,but i really would but more than likely never will... ..
Pop, R & B,soft rock,classical,country is good,even love movie scores, basically Im a music freak. I don't like rap, heavy metal Make your Comments HEARD using COMMENTYOU.com Clay Aiken: A Thousand Days
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You've got mail, Titanic, Mr. Mom,Overboard, Sleepless in Seattle. Most Halloween movies, love scarey and thriller type movies, also Love stories.
Anything to do with music most of the time. Lost, Heros, Jericho, funniest videos, Two and a half Men, The Office. Old stuff, such as Seinfeld, Friends, Frasier, Everybody loves Raymond... And what did ever happen to Invasion or Surface. Two really good shows. object allowNetworking="all" allowScriptAccess="never" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cab s/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0" width="200" height="158" align="middle" data="http://cp.myspace.com/web/wrapper.php?file=Heroes Countdown.sbw" Get this widget!
James Patterson, Mary Clark Higgins, any thing mystery! Love the unknown.
My brother is my hero, he lives every moment to the fullest, he had a quintruple bypass many years ago and to this day lives like its his last day on earth, to the max. I've always looked up to him, I'm so proud of my bro. Couldn't ask for a better sibling even though we have some years between us. We always clicked. And I've heard him say the thing he is most afraid of is growing up. And I agree with him, because then you get old. We will have none of that! We can age, (no choice) but not grow old. My Dad is another hero, he was the best father a little girl could ask for. I miss him so much, think of him often. Everytime I hear a piano I think of him, he was the best!!