In addition to my professional interests in programming and new technologies, I enjoy reading and listening to audiobooks. See my section on books below for more details. What else? I have two great kids, aged 3 and 4 and I love to play with them.
Favorites in music include Nickleback, REM, 3 Doors Down, Evanescence and many others...
Greatest of all time: Airplane. Love good Science Fiction of any type. Comedy greats like Robin Williams and Steve Martin in virtually anything.
Stargate SG1 is high on the list. I love all the Star Trek series. And probably the best sit-com ever was Friends. To be honest, I watch very little TV.
I enjoy classic Science Fiction as well as recent authors like Neil Gaiman. I've read all of John Grisham's books and enjoy courtroom dramas and thrillers.On the non-fiction front, I enjoy books on the social impact of technology (currently reading The World is Flat).I also really enjoy reading books on Psychology, Philosophy and Religion. Specificially Jungian/depth psychology, existentialism, mysticism, the roots of early Christianity and the pre-monotheistic roots of the Jewish faith.