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About Me

I'm a Microsoft Certified Trainer with many years experience in software development technologies, especially Web development.I'm the author of ASP.NET 2 For Dummies and half a dozen other books for software developers. I've also contributed to half a dozen other books and have served as Editor for several monthly technical journals for programmers.I love to explore new technology and share my excitement and what I've learned with others through writing, teaching and mentoring. I also really enjoy the process of architecting object-oriented software solutions, designing databases and writing code.

My Interests

In addition to my professional interests in programming and new technologies, I enjoy reading and listening to audiobooks. See my section on books below for more details. What else? I have two great kids, aged 3 and 4 and I love to play with them.


Favorites in music include Nickleback, REM, 3 Doors Down, Evanescence and many others...


Greatest of all time: Airplane. Love good Science Fiction of any type. Comedy greats like Robin Williams and Steve Martin in virtually anything.


Stargate SG1 is high on the list. I love all the Star Trek series. And probably the best sit-com ever was Friends. To be honest, I watch very little TV.


I enjoy classic Science Fiction as well as recent authors like Neil Gaiman. I've read all of John Grisham's books and enjoy courtroom dramas and thrillers.On the non-fiction front, I enjoy books on the social impact of technology (currently reading The World is Flat).I also really enjoy reading books on Psychology, Philosophy and Religion. Specificially Jungian/depth psychology, existentialism, mysticism, the roots of early Christianity and the pre-monotheistic roots of the Jewish faith.

My Blog


Posted by Bill on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:17:00 PST