Turner Cody profile picture

Turner Cody

60 Seasons
Relaese May 2007

About Me

Born in December 1980. Grew up in Boston. Moved to New York City in 1999 at the age of 18 and have lived there on and off ever since. I have self-released 8 LP length albums
I also self-released a book of poetry entitled "The Return of the High Priestess and other Poems". They are available only through contacting me at [email protected].
I also have a song on the compilation "Antifolk Vol.1" released by Rough Trade in 2002. Jim Flynn, Ish Marquez, Adam Green, Kimya Dawson, Seth Hebert, and Dianne Cluck among others are on it as well.
The belgian label b.y_records recently compiled material from the first years albums into "60 Seasons - A compilation 2000 - 2005". Available on www.byrecords.com
It's distributed by Bang! (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg) and by BB*Island (Germany, Swizeraland, Austria).
Also, Tim "Love" Lee's new record label - Boy Scout Recordings - have realaesed the album "Quarter Century" I made a couple of years ago, plus a wonderfull 7 inch of "Suzannah". Check out your stores in the UK!

My Interests


Member Since: 1/18/2006
Band Website: mrturnercody.com
Band Members: Turner Cody and also, David-Ivar Herman Düne, Neman Herman Düne, André Herman Düne, Spencer Chakedis, Diane Cluck, and many others

Here is the brand new Video Shooted by R. Kolacz during the belgian dates of my european tour in 2006.
Suzanna takes part of a compilation released by b.y_records.
Available on www.byrecords.com

Turner Cody - Suzannah

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Influences: The Freewheeling Bob Dylan, Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited, Blonde On Blonde, John Wesley Harding, Nashville Skyline, Self-Portrait, New Morning, Planet Waves, Blood On The Tracks, Desire, The Songs Of Leonard Cohen, Songs From A Room, New Skin For The Old Ceremony, Songs Of Love And Hate, Ride Your Pony, The Gratefull Dead; The Velvet Underground & Nico, White Light / White Heat, The Velvet Underground, Loaded, V.U., Live at Max's, The Modern Lovers, Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers, Rock & Roll With The Modern Lovers, Back In Your Life, Jonathan Sings!, The Stooges, Funhouse, Out Of Our Heads, Aftermath, Beggars Banquet, Sticky Fingers, Let It Bleed,
Sounds Like: www.byrecords.com

Record Label: b.y_records Boy Scout Recordings (UK)
Type of Label: Indie