Marijuana, spirituality, freedom, truth, knowledge, physics, metaphysics, psychology, sexuality, music, revolution.
Some interesting, free-spirited, open-minded, action-oriented, sexy people. The sexual revolution has come and past, just like the fucking orgasm that it was. Now it's time, again, to work on liberating pot. We want it; we are the people; it is our right and responsibility to shape the world in our desired image. I'd like to meet some equally responsible folks who want to network and form an alliance on this particular issue. I'd also like to meet other musicians, and, of course, some lovely ladies. What's life without a little fun to even out the business? If you're a sexy, musically inclined, pro-pot gal, then you really must drop me a line..... :o)
Yeah, I like music. Shall I categorize my tastes?
DVD rips off the internet. Anything goes.
Television fucking sucks these days. The big lie has taken over, and now we're left with an illusion of choice. Well, I choose not to bother. Maybe I'll steel cable to watch the Daily Show and Family Guy, but that's about it. Oh, yeah, CNN is great for laughs...Fox too (if you can get past the royal mind fucking that is modern, Americanized media).
Gribbin - In Search of Schrodinger's Cat; Rands - Atlas Shrugged; Hawking - A Briefer History of Time; Nietzsche - The Will to Power; Somebody - Physics as Metaphor; Marquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude; Kosko - Fuzzy Thinking; Ticoll - The Naked Corporation; Kierkegaard - Fear and Trembling; Kierkegaard - Sickness Unto Death;
Vive la revolucion!