Back Alley profile picture

Back Alley

Back Alley

About Me

We are a blues/rock band with a touch of funk and an eclectic mix of melodies and dynamics that sooth the soul. Our 10 song cd is a mix of songs that promises to get your toes tappin!Ginger the lead singer was born in Alabama and raised in Louisiana, she grew up on the roots of Blues and Jazz...spilling into the Jackson Square at all hours of the night...this made for some real colorful dreams. She is also related to Eddie Arnold of the Grand Ole Opry fame. One of the godfathers of country music and the country radio programs back in the day.My partner in crime, Kelvin Porter grew up in Chicago...we met in 94 and started the band in 98. His father produced one of Chicago's albums..We wrote, arranged, and produce our first album, "Blues Express" all by ourselves! We have a ten song cd available for ten bucks! You can also go to and pick up a copy of our compilation cd "Discovery" of which we will be on. Charity Entertainment has picked up Back Alley with a distribution deal nationwide.We do original tunes and some oldie but goodie covers. We make everything over in "our" style of blues which seems to be something everyone enjoys. If you are looking for that new sound and want a great band to go see check us out! You won't be disappointed.Kelvin and I have a unique bond that allows us to be creative together and write some beautilful melodies, this is a dynamic that truly works well together. Also, we are working with CBS,, and MYSPACE to make parents and teens aware of online predators. If you would like to be a part of our group "Artists with a Conscience" to help get rid of this online problem email me for details. We are asking the MYSPACE friends and community to help out with this problem. This way we can assure a safe way to promote our art and be able to reach the masses.Each week I try to give my bands on my friends page a little exposure as a way of thanking them for helping with our group, so check every week, there will be eight new bands featured in my top 8. All the bands on my friends pages are part of our group "Artists with a Conscience" (see the blog) and are a really great group of people. I love promoting other bands along with ours because we all deserve a little recognition. If you would like to be our friend and be sent updates on our coming shows just click to add us on and we will be happy to have you as a Back Alley friend. We aren't attention whores and don't just go out looking for friends. All the friends on our pages have come to us and we thank them tremendously for showing us their support! Thanks bunches!We have been fortunate enough to be featured on several radio stations and shows internationally, check the following websites and radio stations for airplay of our first cd, BLUES EXPRESS.For shows in the U.S:http://moozikooradio.comKSUN Community Radio Colorado KSBP Low Power FM 101.1"General Electric" WCVF-FM Fredonia, NYJim McCall's show- The Sonic Asylum WRFU Urbana, Ill. Tempe, Azand in Canada at:LG73 The Vinyl Casserole showOver Seas:BIGL 1395 AM Essex, EnglandDj Ottic show, GermanyI would like to say thanks to all the independent DJ's out there willing to give us air play, thank you for your hard work. Also we will be on Chitlin Circuit radio coming up soon.URGENT NOTICE RE: MYSPACE PLAYERS: This is a notice from myspace, if you are having difficulty with the streaming of the songs it's a myspace glitch. Myspace has been informed of the problem and are working on it. When it will be fixed god only knows..but please be patient, they are aware that my myspace page may be acting slow. Hopefully they will get it resolved soon. Please check back with us and try it again. Thanks for your patience. With the volumne of traffic on myspace it tends to drag the streaming a bit.Notice: Music players - you might experience a few errors loading/playing/deleting songs (particularly for music/band accounts). we're working on it.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/18/2006
Band Website: No website, why waste the money when this is free?
Band Members: Ginger Arnold=Lead Vocals Kelvin Porter=bass, back up
Influences: Etta James, Aretha Franklin, Janis Joplin, B.B. King....The Funk Brothers...We love anything that's got a lot of soul.....
Sounds Like: Most people tell me I sound like Janis Joplin, Grace Slick, or Edie Brickell...(I think I just sound like me....)
Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Artists with a Conscience

Hello everybody, I would like to take a moment to talk about my new group I just created, Artists with a Conscience. In light of all the negative publicity MYSPACE has been getting because of pedaphil...
Posted by Back Alley on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 03:16:00 PST

Kel and I

Kel and I have been partners in crime for quite some time now.  At first we met at a production company, Kushner/Locke.  Then we parted ways for a few years. (true story) I had been thinking...
Posted by Back Alley on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 10:33:00 PST

The LA Club Scene

You know, when I was growing up in Louisiana, going out was all about friends being together and having a great time. Louisiana club life is a much different head than the LA club scene. In LA everyo...
Posted by Back Alley on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:53:00 PST

Back Alley

Well, here it is mid January and we are FINALLY up on  It's been a long hard road, but a fabulous journey.  Back Alley is through with the recording studio and out in the fresh ...
Posted by Back Alley on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:42:00 PST