Joe Chains profile picture

Joe Chains

Rock & Roll all night, and Party every day!

About Me

I am just a crazy punk that loves to have fun, while hauling ass and rocking out!

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My Interests

I am highly interested in the old skool ways of the punk rock music, and the metal years! I cant stand nor do I understand how this new wave crap works. I hate it, I am also highly motivated by hot rods and motorcycles... but dont come up to me with a euro, or a "Chopper" all Discovery channel-style! In my opinion a bike is built to be ridden hard! I was brought up by old timers, and to me, all this new thing is dis-respecting them all. However I am somehow grateful that the torch is being handed down some how... I just wish these kids knew where it came from. Besides my interests, I am just a kewl dude... dont mess around, just straight out forward-type of guy!

I'd like to meet:

Some old skool punks & metal heads, however I am always down to party with kewl people! I really dont care about ethnic, social, or financial classes. I'm not a racist, I hate everybody equally! But none the less, lets all simply get down and party our differences away!


I am a punk, but I am also a metal head... I am a musician, therefor I listen to almost anything with a soul in it! Wanna rap, lets jam out... even country! Believe it or not, it has soul and heart in it! I have been jamming my axes for almost all my life, however I have been recently learning how to drum out too!
Get this video and more at


I am a sucker for the stupid stoner movies! My favorite is "Easy Rider" and "Dazed & Confuzed", but I also like the clasic action flicks! I somehow enjoy cheesy, girly dramas too! But dont tell anybody! And you can't be a man's man without the action flicks with the hot babes!


Not really big on television, but I love Alot of stuff from Comedy Central... I love shorties watching shorties... south park, chappelle show... among others... I love the sopranos (I am half italian, so I wanna be in the mob) but I resently got dish networks, so I am always watching hbo and old sitcoms... I used to like MTV, but I got sick and tired about the same 5 trendy gay videos and stupid shows...


Hardly read books, but the bible... defenately, however I am a big magazine reader! My bathroom is full of car, motorcycle and guitar mags... dont forget the pretty girl mags, too(FHM, maxim....)!!!
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!


Basically, my mom, Kurt D. Cobain, Indian Larry, Ozzy Osbourne, my old man, Ray (not literally my dad, but close) Jim Morrison, Carroll Shelby, and Leo Fender w/ Les Paul!!! If it wasnt for these people, I would simply have been another lost angel...

My Blog

Roommies, dont need them!

As some of you kats that your lives have somehow evolved close to mine, or simply has been touched my mine in the resent days... well you all should have known by now about how I am resently dis-appoi...
Posted by Joe Chains on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 08:03:00 PST

Stranger in this strange land!

Alright, so here I am! The stranger in this strange land. Some might say I am the new dick in town, waiting to get sucked on for a bit! So I am out there, taking eveything this new town has to offer (...
Posted by Joe Chains on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 05:06:00 PST

Aint that some shit?...

Let me start off by saying that I am gonna tell the story not by what happened, but for how I remember it! Okay, so for those of you who I havent told what happened last night... or those of you ...
Posted by Joe Chains on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 05:00:00 PST

Signs of Life...

Greetings, chups and chup-ettes... I post shit on your profiles and pics, now I want the same! Come on!... cheesy comments, remarks, insults, whatever! Sings of life, mother fuckers lets hear them!
Posted by Joe Chains on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My Bloody Valentine

Alright, everybody! The gayest of the holidaze are right around the corner, and I have no woman to spend it with (Like many previous days) so I am now accepting applications for my main squeeze, appli...
Posted by Joe Chains on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Party at Joe's pad, bitches!

yes, you read correctly! Party at my casita! Come one, come all!
Posted by Joe Chains on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I fucking hate christmas! I hate everything that it has become, I hate the way that everybody all of the sudden acts. But what I hate the most, is people buying shit they dont need for people that the...
Posted by Joe Chains on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Hard core dancing? What the fuck is this?

Alright, so a few weeks ago, I am at my fiend's place, he is hosting a show. Right? He asked me to bounce, in case if anything... so there I am, minding my own business. Next thing I know, its time fo...
Posted by Joe Chains on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Police Truck...

shit, listen up... so here I am, on my way to Cruces, with my mommy and fiend Jacob... we are going to pick up some shit for work, but the place is closed. They are supposed to be waiting for us, so w...
Posted by Joe Chains on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Fucking holidaze fucking blues...

alright, I promised myself that I wasnt going to be one of those cheesy, dumbasses in which use their personal web page to bitch and moan... to whine about whatever little details in their lives, but ...
Posted by Joe Chains on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST