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I Dun Did It

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I LOVE the water! I went rafting last May on the Lochsa and fell in love with it so much that I packed up my entire life and moved to Idaho to be closer to the most amazing Rivers in the country. I just bought 3 kayaks and my boys and I will be heading to the River soon! I can't wait! Of course we have never actually BEEN whitewater kayaking before but at least the Lochsa is a starter River. Ha! I am hoping that a lot of my Montana buddies will be out there this Spring as well. I am really missing them all. I have met some wonderful people here though- you know who you are! I have also met some of the most wicked, immoral, back stabbing people- you REALLY know who you are!! I am plugging along though and doing my thing. I bought a house here and I am slowly fixing it up but I am not much into the whole "nesting" thing. I would rather spend money on toys than furniture. Maybe that is why I have 4 kayaks but only 2 mattresses on the floor and 3 folding camping chairs that serve as both my living room and dining room furniture (they have cup holders). We may not be your typical family but we are happy. My boys want to spend time with me and we genuinly love being around each other. I couldn't ask for much more. Well, maybe a sofa and dining room table- but not the chairs, I have the chairs!

My Interests

Swimming, biking, running. Yoga, gymnastics, performance art, anything involving water.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone from the "good old days", former Lamar or SWT classmates. I am trying to hunt down Travis Coleman & Mandy Matocha so let me know if you find ,them. Cyclists, triathletes. I have recently been introduced to the acrobatic world and am looking to expand my horizons in all things relating to that venue. Get in touch if you are an acrobat, gymnast, performer, etc. Kayakers in the Idaho/Montana area. Parents with kids who like to be outdoors and go crazy. I can't forget to mention Beck and Drew Carey, but I just assumed that was a given. I would also say Willy Nelson and David Letterman but...OH YEAH, I already met them! So what if it was because I was so enthralled with our big scheme to sneak into the FREE Willy Nelson concert put on by Dave that I didn't realize that I was blocking his parking space as he was trying to pull in. He only seemed annoyed at me the entire time he was looking at me and you know what they say- you can only be annoyed with someone if you love them. No wait, I think you can only be ANGRY with someone if you love them. He DID seem pretty angry with me now that I think back on it. He wants me.


I love it ALL! Except...new country, "Kenny G Jazz", Christian rock, bubble gum pop, 80's heavy metal rock, 80's easy listening rock or actually just 80's rock in general. I enjoy Elvis Costello, Lyle Lovett (I like that his songs generally do not even marginally come close to rhyming), the girl who sings "I fall down upon my knees when I hear that Southern drawl" but I unfortunately do not know any other songs she sings, the rest of that particluar song or even know her name. I can sing the heck out of that one line though.


The Big Blue (my absolute favoritewhich is the movie about the free divers and not the horrible horror film about the killer snake or fish or whatever that plot was supposed to be) American Flyers (I love the cheesy music), Who Killed the Electric Car?, The original Pink Panther movies (includes my favorite all-time movie line)


Not too much in this area what with me being too cheap to purchase a TV. When I do get around a TV I tend to gravitate towards documentaries or reality shows. I know I shouldn't like reality TV but some of those people fascinate me. I really like watching the ones about the rich women. I can't believe that they can be so detached from emotion and the rest of the world. Money can do strange things to people sometimes.


Anything by Eudora Welty or David Sedaris (they actually have similar styles now that I think about it), Even Cowgirls get the Blues, The Sword and the Stone (currently reading with my youngest son)


I wish I had a specific hero, but basically I look up to anyone who is living life on their own terms and doesn't care what other people think. People who have to Zip tie their car together to keep the bumper from falling off and ride with their window down when it rains so that they can grab hold of their windshield wipers to manually make them work but have a road bike in their living room that cost more than their first born. Wait, that's me. Females who don't feel the need to push other women down just to build their own egos up- again, you know who you are! Tsk, tsk.