echo profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

To start off: Yes my real name is Echo, and NO my mother was not a hippy. I am a strange little girl, an aspiring artist of sorts, I am a megalomaniac and a DREAMER. I love fluffy things, and sarcasm and wit make me smile. Some of my favourtie past times include: watching movies, watching movies while cuddling under blankets, nature walks and mini adventures involving swing sets, playing dress up, good conversation with beer or coffee, playing chess, reading, playing with photoshop, taking pictures, and drawing and painting. I have a full-time job as a CTP operator... i work in computer Pre-press... basically i make plates and make pictures pretty. I hope to one day make a career off my photography and art, that is my true passion, not commercial lithographic printing (every artist needs a steady pay check). Photography forces me to see life in every detail... makes me appreciate the beauty infront of me, art is my release my escape from the mundane, my escape from my head. I love collaborating with others, creating ideas that we can work together and make tangible. I have an odd sense of humour, i sometimes offend people when i don't mean to. I can make anything into a sexual perversion, and i sometimes swear like a drunken sailor. I have my faults, every one does. I've been known to verbally castrate people when i'm angry... although thats not often. Those I love are my everything. I have no "happy medium"... I'm horrible with words hence my cave man approach to relate to people and express myself through images, and it may explain why this section is horribly written. I'm also spell check dependent. Any work posted here is available for purchase, feel to inquire on rates (for Portraits/Glamour/Live performance/Promotional photography) and prices (on finished art, or commisioned artwork)... i consider myself fairly reasonable... prices depend on the situation and the project. (yay for shamless self promotion!)****** a side note: No i do not WEB CAM or CYBER or nor will I consider being in your "Adult Film"... I'm glad you think i'm pretty but leave it at that... thank you.******I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

art is my life... i love it... i love to admire it and i love to create it. I love life, especially the small beautiful things. i like dark morbid cartoons. I describe my self as an extroverted introvert. My life is currently undergoing huge changes... it's scary. i love my cats and my gold fish (R.I.P BLUBBER). I find people interesting.... but i don't like most of them. I really like won ton soup, and watching porn for the plot lines. Music and raw emotion are my muse and I really, really love animals! I like wiggles and hugs... fudge and beff jerky is my some of my favourite foods... i drink Steam Whistle and Crown Royal... and love red wine. i strongly dislike people who take me for granted, and use me for my talents, or use my work without my permission... I like credit for my hard work... if you want to use any of my images... ASK ME!!

I'd like to meet:

Real people... i don't like the fake ones... anyone who wants to hire me, Anyone who would like to work with me, Any one who wants to give me money for no apparent reason, potential models, potential friends, other photographers and artsits, or just interesting creative folk and if 'ya wanna chat.... [email protected]... and no i don't cyber, so fuck off if that is the intention! SMILE!


Nine Inch Nails, tool, perfect circle, system of a down, david bowie, Dresden Dolls, Jack off jill, Queen, Beck, Dog Fashion Disco, Tub Ring,The Monks, Wumpscut, Depeche Mode,The TunaHelpers, Opeth, all kinds of cheesy 80's music, Led Zepplin, NIrvana, My Life with The Thrill Kill Kult, POE, Static X, Fear Factory, klute, MSI, Korn, Stabbing Westward, David Usher, Placebo,Prick, Chris Issac, the Cramps, and many more.... soooo much more...


Boon dock saints, amelie, nightmare before christmas, american beauty, Quills, Edward scissor Hands, 15 min. , Fallen, He loves me he loves me not, SLC punk, The professional, The Usual Suspects, American Psycho, But i'm a Cheerleader, Killer Condom, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Labyrinth, Legend, A never ending Story, American History X, Fight Club, Novacane, Blow, Fear and Loathing in Las Vagas, Party Monster, Brams Stokers Dracula, U Turn, True Romance, Swimming with Sharks, Vampire Kiss, Children of Men, Stranger then Fiction, V for Vendetta, PUlp Fiction, Pan's labyrinth, 300, Slums of Beverily Hills, and more.... sooooo much more... i am a movie nut!!!!


i like Animal Planet, and shows that make you think (which is rare)....I really really like cartoons, South Park and family guy, and fututrama are my favourite generic ones, Invader Zim and my new obsession is The Venture Brothers cartoon and Frisky Dingo^_^, Big Love i find amusing, 6 Feet Under and Sex and the City, and but not reality t.v. Shows like The Simple Life make my brain rot. Roting brain is not good for making art. I'm curious of this show called 24... it has claimed my room mates.....


Electroboy, Violin, Hitchhikers Guide, Angelas Ashes, Fables, Johhny the Hommicidal Maniac (i'm a huge Vasquez geek) Catcher in the Rye, She's come Undone Welcome to the Monkey House Ariel (poetry) Phantom of the Opera, Edgar Allen Poe (i know... oh so goth) I'm on a huge fairy tale kick.... Brother's Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson, and Mother Goose... the old ones... not the modern ones. Random books on photography those illustrative phamplets the creepy religious folk hand out depicting my eternal damnation in hell.


my mom... as cliche as it may sound, Frida Khalo, EVAN STONE, the cheesiest porn star ever! god he makes me smile... and i'm sure there is more...hmmmmmmmmmmm

My Blog

April the boss and Mr. Murch

Did a photoshoot a while back with miss April, even brought my friend Chris into as a prop.... and a good prop he made! Enjoy the pretty miss and let me know what you think...
Posted by echo on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 05:34:00 PST

long time no blog

damn it's been a while since i ventured into the spooky desolate realms of myspace.  Have lots to catch up in posting... stay tuned?
Posted by echo on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 08:38:00 PST

Photo Blog: ivory skin and blossoms

received a rental camera because mine is still away being "Fixed".... Stacey and i went out for coffee treats.... we made some geese very angry and got chased in Harris are some shots of our...
Posted by echo on Mon, 21 May 2007 07:32:00 PST

Photo Blog: pretty girl in the woods

it has been a while... still waiting on a part from Nikon to fix my camera... oh how do i miss it so... but i decided to take my 35mm out last thurs. and claim Jeni as my latest victim. fun was had......
Posted by echo on Mon, 07 May 2007 07:09:00 PST

Stomach knots

sick feeling in my stomach... sometimes it feels no matter how far you travel.... it will always be there... All i want is the hurt to go away.... to heal... when you want to know why you can't stop s...
Posted by echo on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 05:44:00 PST


Why do i dwell on things and wish for things that can't be changed, but at the very same time want that change?I feel so scared and hopless at times, but i still feel determined... somehow i keep on t...
Posted by echo on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:17:00 PST

Photo Blog: The Beauty of Silence

On March 11th i had a chance to create one of my ideas i had kicking around in my head.Michelle did a great job modeling and was great to work with as usual, And Jessica Acre did an amazing job with t...
Posted by echo on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 04:59:00 PST

venting in prose

Pianos from french films that bring tears to my eyes,Perfect blue houses and pretty blue skies,All the happy memories, and their tiny little teeth.slowly ripping through me, revealing my weakness bene...
Posted by echo on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 10:22:00 PST

Photo Blog: A Beautiful Dawn (cheesy title i know)

Long time no picture posting! I've been busy... and my camera is still out for repair... but it has also allowed for me to catch up on some editing... A while back when there was snow, lovely little ...
Posted by echo on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 07:02:00 PST


Mind gets clouded.... unable to see what is really important.. i need to get my life more organized.I don't make sense... i frustrate myself... people have told that they just don't understand me... w...
Posted by echo on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:26:00 PST