Rcnqueen profile picture


La Dolce Vita!

My Interests


I haven't heard anything that I have really dug in a long time expect for that new Justin Timberlake song . . .


Seabiscuit, The Notebook, Momento are just a few of my favorites. I'm beginning to loathe my Netflix subscription. It seems like they take forvever anymore to send you a decent flic.


I LOVE THE AMAZING RACE! I sooooo want to be on thie show. I must admit that I do watch a lot of reality television and game shows. Stupid people comfort me and I love watching people win money.


I haven't read a book for pleasure since last summer, but my all time favorite is Honeymoon, Bittermoon. I collect this rare out of print book. I currently have seven copies, six of which where given to me by old boyfriends. I cannot live without my weekly dose of Bloodhorse magazine. It's my lifeline.


The men and women of the armed services who are sacrificing there lives to protect the freedoms that we all take for granted everyday!