Kira, the Shzz-nasty, camping, doing things myself, eating chocolate, building birchbark canoes, falconry, taxidermy, making fire, gardening (cause I'm queer), And yes Kira, I'm quite fond of coffee, slaying dragons (Well, that's my job, not really an interest per se), Banjo's, old crusty blues guys, ripping heavy guitar riffs (see Orchid below)
Johnny Cash, Bill Mason, canoe god!,
Orchid, Legion, Black Banjo Metal (I am pioneering this genre), the holy trinity-Jimmy Page, Tony Iommi, and Keith Richards. Dragon Wizardhammer, Eddie Van Banjo, Dragoncore, Hobbitcore
The Jerk mostly and Jeremiah Johnson.
Faggotry, oh and the Dog Whisperer
Field Guides mostly, anything to do with indians, plants, or birds. DIY!
Noam Chomsky, Henry David Thoreau, Geronimo, Kira Fisher