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I am here for Friends

About Me

my mom died august 31st, 2007, of malignant, aggressive brain cancer. i dropped out of ucla in december 2006 to take care of her, and her medical bills. i spent the last month of her life with her, at her house, taking care of her while she died. it was a relief when she died, because the last month was exhausting and hard, but now dealing with her death is its own separate type of exhaustion. i've had a rough year, so far, with my mom's cancer and my dog's leg being amputated and stuff. me and my manfriend just bought a house in petaluma, and are working on setting it up. i'm learning how to take care of my mom's orchids, now that she's gone. this year has been the worst/best. lots of laughing, lots of crying. i've never felt more self-sufficient and mature, and i've never felt more supported and loved. there's a chance i won't be one of those people who forgets how to be happy or light-hearted because of the pain they've suffered. i guess i am remembering how to be happy, even when things still suck.what am i up to *right now,* you ask?

My Interests

the color hot pink, otters, being greatful for what I have, laughing at me and you and that guy, having a radical boyfriend who rocks my world, asking questions, being kind, wearing huge earrings, saving the world, having The Best Hair, being sassy, perfect storage solutions, chatting, my iphone, surprising people, clouds, READING all the time, daydreaming about smoking while not doing it, being the smartest person in the world, clothes that make me feel good about myself, writing, not being afraid of the tough stuff. punching cancer in the crotch. seriously, cancer, screw you.

I'd like to meet:

bill murray, anthony hopkins, john cleese, ian mckellan, steve martin, paul reubens, hugh grant, vince vaughn. mostly totoro, though. or a polar bear i can snuggle with. but mostly totoro.people who believe in magic. people who've experienced REAL miracles. my mom, in some form of afterlife.


oh, i dunno. otis redding. death from above 1979. the soundtracks to 'chocolat,' 'hairspray,' and '2046.' npr. clap your hands say yeah. sister rosetta tharpe. cat power. wham! marvin gaye and tammi terrell - 'ain't no mountain high enough.' books on cd. interpol. elliot smith. the spice girls. (did i stutter?) kool keith. abba. death cab. depeche mode. alkaline trio. nick drake. michael jackson. rocky votolato. justin timberlake. you know, the usual.


royal tenenbaums, office space, old school, west side story, sixteen candles, fight club, out of sight, charlie's angels, ladyhawk, french kiss, drop dead fred, galaxy quest, about a boy, amelie, futuristic movies like the fifth element, everything by miyazaki, but especially my neighbor totoro, spirited away, porco rosso and nausica of the valley of the winds, anything with bill murray. i like to watch movies over and over and over again.


tv on dvd. the west wing, deadwood, oz, the west wing, the office, the family guy, the west wing, the dog whisperer, heroes, dexter. i hate commercials, though i love previews, which are pretty much the same thing. weird.the longer i am away from tv, the more i feel like it is quite possibly the root of all our problems as a society. if everyone cared as much about their neighbors as they do about those retards on 'survivor,' maybe we'd have a real, functioning democracy, not to mention universal health care and a living know what show i miss? the x-files. man, when that show was good, it was fucking GOOD, you know?i like to watch 5 episode of the west wing, one after another. i wish jed bartlet was our president.


shogun, smila's sense of snow, the jungle book, the wheel of time series, roots, gone with the wind, harry potter (esp. numbers 4, 6 and 7), jonathan lethem, dune, romance novels by amanda quick and johanna lindsey, lonesome dove, extremely loud and incredibly close, winter's tale (by mark helprin, not shakespeare), carter beats the devil, jonathan strange and mr. norrell, special theories in calamity physics, margaret atwood, stephen king, especially the stand and the dark tower series, lolita, clive barker, david mitchell (black swan green and cloud atlas.) comic books like hellblazer, books of magic, preacher, y: last man standing and sandman. you know what book really sucked? uncle tom's cabin.


four be the things i am wiser to know: idleness, sorrow, a friend, and a foe. dorothy parker, mlk jr., noam chomsky, pamela anderson, madonna, thurgood marshall, ralph nader. people who manifest miracles in their lives, who don't believe conventional wisdom and do things their own way. people who laugh so hard they cry. people who want to both slap the world and hold it like a baby. people on the path. you know what path i mean. THE path.

My Blog

hey, did you know?

i have a new it is!i even installed a little counter at the bottom, so track my far i have had 2, but both of those were me.i think i am going to start slowing down with the post...
Posted by Kira on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:46:00 PST

it's back.

friday was a really crappy day.well, like all days, it had both good and bad characteristics, but it wouldn't be overly dramatic for me to just say it fucking sucked.clinically, the doctor's appointme...
Posted by Kira on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 05:09:00 PST


alright, pals, i'm freaking out over harry potter. again.i have re-read book 5 (the order of the phoenix - so dark! sirius!!) and am almost done with book 6 (the half-blood prince - better than book 5...
Posted by Kira on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:01:00 PST

not much.

-i am looking for a job. any ideas? i need something that i can leave easily in september, when i go to costa rica. also, i need to make some buck$$$.-netflix lets you drag and drop movies to the plac...
Posted by Kira on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 01:30:00 PST


i have this new pet peeve. it is making up for lost time by, despite it's newness, being very, very's's a specific type, though. it's new unnecessary addition of 'very,' as an ...
Posted by Kira on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 05:44:00 PST


i think eggplant is totally disgusting. well, as a food. i enjoy aubergine as a color. also as a word.however, i have recently discovered that i really enjoy baba ganoush. (is that how one spells is?)...
Posted by Kira on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 02:14:00 PST

that's what i'm talking about!

vice perfectly sums up the frustrating dichotomy of the marijuana debate.i think that pot, in general, is totally fine.i used to be a HUGE fan, but i enjoy it less and less as i get older. i still thi...
Posted by Kira on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 04:18:00 PST

whoa, dude.

the scene: kira, the protagonist, in her trusty car, alethea, drives home from work. she is in the castro. she is attempting to cross market st, which has 4 lanes of traffic at that point.the action: ...
Posted by Kira on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 06:48:00 PST

a letter.

here are some versions i am toying with...++++++++++++++++++++++++hello, neighbor!today is the second day this week that your raised voice was the first sound i heard.this is not a pleasant way to wak...
Posted by Kira on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 09:21:00 PST

it's okay.

so, as many of you know, today went fine. but i didn't know that until later on.i got really nervous this morning, while i was getting ready to leave, and, like an idiot, i drank some coffee, which ma...
Posted by Kira on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 09:26:00 PST