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[email protected]

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

****JUST CLICK THE DEFAULT PIC TO ACCESS MY PHOTO ALBUMS****---------- Welcome to and my new flash profile. Once we get all the design elements and tools in place, will be it's own entity but for now, a new about me paragraph. As of late, I have been on a journey inward. Through creative expression, I have found out more about myself in the last 6 months than EVER in my life. A TERRIFYING relationship ended about 6 months ago and thus began my latest adventure. I am always exploring and learning, though this time it's a "Choose Your Own" adventure rather than being influenced by a significant other.Whilst on this path, I have determined that I tend to involve myself in relationships too much. I lose sight of myself and try too hard to please the other person. NOT ANYMORE! It is about NUMBER 1 FIRST and I will NOT SETTLE! I am involved in more fulfilling projects than ever before including Flobots Street Team, Denver Children's Home, Colorado Progressive Coalition (Voter Registration - HAVE YOU REGISTERED?), Art From Ashes,, Producing Music, and sooooo much more it would take days to list.I am proud of my resilience and willingness to move forward and STAY POSITIVE! I have been told recently that I have amazing energy and am trying to channel it to as many positive initiatives as I can...without wearing myself out. I can take A LOT though! I have and will always have a ton of stuff going on in my life, that's how I like it and I refuse to be with somebody who cannot keep up or doesn't "know who they are" b/c that all becomes a distraction from the big picture - SUCCESS! I don't have to have a million dollars to be successful, I just have to be happy and have no regrets AND THAT'S THE KIND OF RICH I AM AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE. Below is the old "About Me" text as there is a TON to know so ENJOY and HOLLA if you'd like to know MORE! ;-)********************************************************* ************************************************************ I've been thinking alot about this question and I AM MUSIC, I AM HIP HOP, I AM HOUSE MUSIC, I AM FUNK, I AM ROCK N ROLL, I AM UNDERGROUND, I AM MAINSTREAM, I AM A SNOWBOARDER, I AM WHAT I AM AND THAT'S ALL THAT I AM....4 I AM THE MUTHA F***IN DOCTA!!!!To elaborate on this topic, I am HONEST, SINCERE, AND TRUE TO MY BELIEFS. I know what I want and will do what it takes to get it. I try to eliminate the undesired elements out of my circle, including but not limited to people who try too hard. If I sense that you are pushing me to like you by forcing certain points or overemphasizing certain common qualities, the RED flag has risen. I am not interested in anybody that doesn't know who they are or cannot keep up with LIFE! I am a natural born procrastinator AND a GO-Getter so it takes enough out of me to motivate myself much less have to keep another afloat. With that said, I hope to someday meet somebody that does what I do with me and vice versa. Simple pleasures and a lifetime of extraordinary adventure, knowledge, and most importantly, LOVE! I AM THE GO2GUY!!!!!*****I HAVE BEEN INVITED TO READ POETRY WITH ART FROM ASHES ON JUNE 16, 2008, COME CHECK IT OUT AND SUPPORT ART FROM ASHES, AN ORGANIZATION THAT PROMOTES HEALING THROUGH POETRY AND WORKS WITH TROUBLED YOUTH!!!!

My Interests

Here is one of my favorite recent quotes "The world is NOT split into 2 sides, Good and Evil....There is LIGHT AND DARK in ALL of us, it is that which you CHOOSE to react on that defines WHO YOU ARE" - Serius Black from Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixPut Your Hands Up HIGH If You Haven't Abandoned Hope that a Pen Stroke is STRONGER than a cannon! - Jonny 5 (Flobots)
I have a new found love for Traveling too! Went to California in May of 2008 (see almost 500 pics in Lost Angels photo album) and visited 10 cities in 3 days. AMAZING! One of the most beautiful drives I have ever been on was going from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara. Ocean on one side, Beautiful Mountains on the can't beat it.

I'd like to meet:

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As many positive and influential people as possible. From children to adults, regardless of STATUS! I LOVE interacting with people and learning about their backgrounds, culture, family history, and all of the other interesting things that make up HUMAN BEINGS! It's hard being an Alien in today's world but I find that thru positive influence, I survive and exceed my leaders expectations! ;-P

Pick your own soundtrack while you surf my page. The first track Auto Plays and it is the audio from a recording session I did in Los Angeles with Tak and Dino! NJOY!

, click the pic below for more info!


I LOVE MUSIC! PERIOD!!! Some of my favorite artists are listed in My Top Artists APP but here is a list from the top of my head.....READY?Prince, Aerosmith, Foo Fighters, Danny Tenaglia, Daft Punk, Jamie Lidell, Tech N9ne, Method Man, Redman, Jurassic 5, Flobots, Offspring, Garth Brooks, Twocker, Fatboy Slim, Crystal Method, Ministry (Old), N.W.A., Fulcrum, Debajo Del Agua, Dave Matthews, Benni Benassi, Donald Glaude, Tru Headz Cru, KRS-One, Run DMC, The Clash, Weird Al Yankovic, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Galactic, Ozomatli, Kraftwerk, Deadmau5, Warlock Pinchers, US Pipe, DRC, Dj Denise, Hipp E, Sugar Hill Gang, Rob Base & Dj Ez Rock, George Clinton and the PFunk All Stars, Young MC, Spacemen, Aphrodite, LTJ Bukem, DB, Terry Mullan, Dj Funk....more to come


The Breakfast Club and Stand By Me tie for my fav's although my tastes are very broad. Current movies I really dug were SPEED RACER, JUNO, THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM, SUPERBAD, Transformers, Harry Potter and The Order..., Reservation Road, Blades Of Glory, Deja Vu, The Andromeda Strain....




Conspiracy, Gov't agency, Murder/Suspense novels, Harry Potter Series, anything well written can usually grab me! John Grisham is the first author to captivate me in years. At the end of 2005, some chics Mom bought me "The Broker" and recaptured my love for great stories. Since that time I've read more than 200 books. I have slowed down on reading books in 2008 due to a lack of available time. Hope to read the new book by James Frey "Bright Shiny Morning" soon.



My Blog

Well Being and Self Management

Rus' Well Being and Self-Management PlanPut this 2gether @ the end of the turbo nightmare, never put it into play b/c the relationship ended but it's taught me many things and I've implemented it into...
Posted by [email protected] on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 11:50:00 PST

New Song, written in its entirety, TODAY! Title: ADDicted Artist: Dr. Jeuss Format: Lyrics

ADDicted  (R.Cordova 5-23-2008 Ó2008 Tru Headz Muzik) 1: Sentiments begin and sentiments end Sentiments and sentences are something that we send When we're reaching to a friend, and reachin...
Posted by [email protected] on Fri, 23 May 2008 11:07:00 PST

Totally Going To Carson Daly to see the Flobots!

Hey Folks, I am traveling to the Carson Daly show to see the Flobots make their first TV appearance.  Showing some love to a group that is and will continue to do great things, not only in our co...
Posted by [email protected] on Tue, 06 May 2008 01:28:00 PST


Please read, stand up and take action, help out these families in need!!!  WE NEED YOU!!!!!.Some people in our community suffered a house fire on Monday which displaced 3 families in all.Here's t...
Posted by [email protected] on Thu, 01 May 2008 12:16:00 PST

Incline Declined

Tears fell again todayI don't understand themFear is not a factorAnd neither is loveStill plagued by the passionI gave and want backStill engaged by the captionI'm a slave and not blackFor all shall w...
Posted by [email protected] on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 07:35:00 PST

Dr. Jeuss and the Adventures in Hip Hop V.2a - Confederate Collaboration

Based on recent influence from the Flobots and inspiration from my friends, family, and the community, I decided that I would write my first MySpace song. This is entirely written right after I finish...
Posted by [email protected] on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 12:08:00 PST

The Outer Realms of Disco-very

I cried 4 u todayI  d i e d  4 u todayI lied         &n bsp;         &n bsp;    4 u tod...
Posted by [email protected] on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 07:54:00 PST

Dr. Jeuss and the Adventures in Hip Hop V.1 - Inspired 2 Be Inspired

Based on recent influence from the Flobots and inspiration from my friends, family, and the community, I decided that I would write my first MySpace song.  This is entirely written right after I ...
Posted by [email protected] on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 01:48:00 PST

blatant disregard for traditional titling procedures

I am mesmerized from the very moment our eyes meetI melt under the warm light of your smileComforted by the easy demeanor in which you speakTouched by your silky, smooth perceptionIndulging myself in ...
Posted by [email protected] on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 02:33:00 PST

People, We Suck

People suck in general because we are a selfish breed by nature. There is no particular "recent incident" that is fueling this! We rarely follow through on our word, say things we don't mean, lead ot...
Posted by [email protected] on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:34:00 PST