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We burn the fat off our souls

About Me

On my way...

My Interests

Guitar. Guns. Thrash. Explosives.

I'd like to meet:

A zombified Hendrix with a newfound taste for flesh and a remarkable knowledge of the subtle art of skull splitting.


Opeth, Deftones, Isis, Katatonia, Interpol, Radiohead, Tom Waits, Cannibal Corpse, Bjork, Cursed, Type O Negative, Jesu, Converge, Meshuggah, Converge, At the Gates, The Smiths,


Directors: George Romero, Takashi Miike, The Coen Brothers, David Lynch, Sofia Coppola, Robert Rodriguez.


THE TWILIGHT ZONE, Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Daily Show, Lost, THE OFFICE, The Unit, anything on Adult Swim


Authors- Stephen King, Kurt Vonnegut, Joe R. Lansdale, John Steinbeck, Cormac McCarthy


Patton. Now that's a hardcore motherfucker.

My Blog

Oh, guess what?!

Iraq can get mighty cold and wet, you know. That's something they rarely tell you.
Posted by Jake on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 12:19:00 PST