Art. Trying to find a cure for nasal congestion. Music. Friends. Black things. Shiny things. Fuzzy things. Things. Movies. Wind-up toys. Basking in the sun like a lizard. Humor. Math. ok I was kidding with the math thing. Secrets. Nail Files. Running away. People Watching. Looking at random profiles and laughing at them. Enjoying superiority over the stupid people.
I don't like people in general - not that I am not a nice friendly person because I am - it is just that most people have nothing interesting to teach me, TEACH ME SOMETHING!! but I guess if I had to meet people I would want to meet - nice ones, funny ones, smiley ones, creative ones, smartass ones, talented ones. People that have an 'off' sense of humor and can laugh at themselves before I do!
I want to meet THE HOFF. Cuz he is cooler than you are.
I absolutely adore ____________________ (its a secret)
I want to meet these babies, because they are smarter and more intuitive than most people:
mmmmm music - I eat it for breakfast. Ask Seth.. he can tell you exactly what I like in music...and then right after he will spend 5 hours telling you why he thinks I suck.
I love movies and movie popcorn.
nothing right now. Although it is providing wonderful output for video games at the moment. I am addicted to the Grand Theft Auto games.. I like running people over and punching the hookers.
I need to read more. In fact, I am reading right now - so shhhh go away. "Kingdom Coming" - Michelle Goldberg.
My cat Jasper for making it through an entire afternoon with his head stuck in the sink drain! Way to go moron! Jesus for pulling such a giant piece of wool from his ass. Oh and the guy that did these....(keep clicking...) Click the Enter