Do we really have so much in common? Or is one of us a chameleon? How about you be you, and I'll be me? mmmkay?
Great minds do think alike, but those on the short bus often share the same opinions as well.
I feel that there is little purpose in offering your opinion if you are only willing to discuss them with those who agree.
I'd much rather regret something I've done, than something I was too scared to do.
Thinking about death doesn't make one morbid, but simply a realist.
When one human calls another a moron they should generally expect a response of like kind and quality.
Don't always be up in my bitness. That's ebonics for please refrain from being in my face and annoying the bejesus out of me.
There is no condom for the heart - Some lady preaching about abstinence
You cannot teach that kind of talent, a gay wizard has to fuck it into you. - Southpark, or maybe it was Family Guy?
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.-Ghandi
Sure, you can't always judge a book by it's cover, but who wants to have sex with a book? -some comedian
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and meet up with them later!