I GOT HOOKED in the internet only recently; have ENJOYED reading since I was a baby; and have LOVED men ETERNALLY! ;)
I want someone who's: 1) good-looking; 2) nice; and 3) smart.
In no particular order: Acoustic, alternative, classical, R&B, jazz.
1. Suspense and horror flicks 2. Gushy movies 3. Sexy commedies --Films featuring guys toting guns at each other is a no-no.--
In no particular order (again): Soaps, sitcoms, celebrity talk shows, etc.
Same as with movies I like suspense and horror books. My three treasured books in this genre are: HANNIBAL by Thomas Harris (His description of Florence, Italy is most memorable to me - I could almost see, feel, hear, and SMELL the splendid city.); GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN by Philip Margollin (I loved his detective character Nancy Gordon); and BURIED DREAMS: INSIDE THE MIND OF A SERIAL KILLER by Russ Ewing (This book REALLY sent me the creeps!) --I've also read not-really-suspense/horror books that I loved like IF TOMORROW COMES, THE DOOMSDAY CONSPIRACY, and THE STRANGER IN THE MIRROR - all of these by the Master Storyteller, Sidney Sheldon.
i'm the hero of myself. :)