Writing fiction, reading fiction and non-fiction (lots of history and philosophy), listening to new artists and old favorites, watching genre television and discussing the deeper meanings in timeless stories. I also like alternative models, because I find the artistic themes and elements very attractive.
JMS, Joss Whedon, JJ Abrams, TAPS (again!), Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, Ron Moore
Pretty much anything, so long as it has something unique that holds my interest. If it's purely commercial, it's probably not in my collection for long. Right now, I tend towards "gothic music" like Lacuna Coil or The Cure, or live DMB, industrial, etc. I also like instrumental music, like good soundtracks for films or TV, especially if world music or percussive elements are involved.
Serenity, The Fifth Element, Contact, Sin City, Aliens, Matrix trilogy, X-Men, Trek and Star Wars (of course), Free Enterprise
Lost, Battlestar: Galactica, Firefly, 24, Ghost Hunters, Prison Break, Buffy, Angel, X-Files, Babylon 5, Farscape, Supernatural, Veronica Mars, Smallville, West Wing, Sopranos, Medium, My Name is Earl, The Office, Amazing Race, Stargate, Dead Zone, 4400, Doctor Who, NCIS, The Unit
All things Tolkien, Frank Herbert, Asimov, Clarke, etc. Old school Anne Rice, when she had an editor. Doug Adams, David Brin, Ray Feist, Greg Benford, Stephen Donaldson. I lot of non-fiction on history, philosophy, psychology, "paranormal". And in between those books, a lot of media tie-in books that serve as "brain candy"!
Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson, Paula Donovan, Joss Whedon, JMS, JJ Abrams, Ron Moore