As a flower moves toward the florist, women move toward men who are not good for them.
Who has not asked himself at some time or another: Am I a monster or is this what it means to be a person?
Self-actualization is not to be achieved in terms of another person, but you don't know that, when you begin.
The negation of the negation is based on a correct reading of the wrong books.
The imminent heat-death of the universe is not a bad thing, because it is a long way off.
Chaos is a position, but a weak one, related to that "unfocusedness" about which I have forgotten to speak.
And now the saints come marching in, saint upon saint, to deliver their message! Here are St. Albert (who taught Thomas Aquinas), and St. Almachius (martyred trying to put an end to gladiatorial contests), and St. Amadour (the hermit), and St. Andrew of Crete (whose "Great Kanon" runs to two hundred and fifty strophes), and St. Anthony of the Caves, and St. Athanasius the Athonite, and St. Aubry of the Pillar, and many others. "Listen!" the saints say. "He who desires true rest and happiness must raise his hope from things that perish and pass away and place it in the Word of God, so that, cleaving to that which abides forever, he may also together with it abide forever." Alas! It is the same old message.