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Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comMy name is Shawn and i go to Parma Senior High school. I take some honors classes and im interested in music. I am in the Wind ensemble for my 4th year, the orchestra, Jazz band, Marching Band. I am aslo in The Northeast regional Orchestra, ALl-Ohio State Fair Band (which is amazing and i want to go back, and its going to suck when its over) , I have an amazing girlfriend, and her name is Ashley, and she goes to my school, and its amazing to have someone that loves you, go to your school! Hopefully we won't have any problems, i hope not, cuz i believe this one can go far (relationship)!! I know work at Arby's! Paragon Brass Quintet, and many other things. On top of that in NHS. If u really want to know more about me, why don't u just im me or email me!aim....sixstringking6 yahoo....Bassguitarist8 [email protected]
Your Taste in Music:
Heavy Metal: Highest Influence
80's Rock: Medium Influence
Hair Bands: Medium Influence
Ska: Medium Influence
90's Alternative: Low Influence How's Your Taste in Music?..