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The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness.

About Me

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I like to think that I am a simple, well-rounded, down to earth individual. Truth is, there's more to me than even I can fathom. I've come to an interesting point in my life where one of two things is going to happen. I will either:
A) Have my life fall into place. I will become successful easily and I will settle down in a contented existence. Or, I will:
B) Spontaneously combust.
I'm very near to earning a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature. I began pursuing this with an interest in Creative Writing. Soon I became engulfed with literature and completely forgot about my silly poems. So what do I do now? Get paid to read books, of course. That does happen, right?
I have a complicated personality that even I have difficulty organizing and explaining. I enjoy the simple things in life. I don't have much time to go out and be someone, so every minute I get to let loose and enjoy myself I try not to waste. I love solitude, but I hate being alone. Makes perfect sense.
I usually add some spiel about love and how I don't understand it. But what's to say if it's beyond my comprehension? How foolish I've been.
adopt your own virtual pet!
You're a Wild Drunk
You can get enough drink. Seriously, you'll just go puke and start pounding them back again! What Kind of Drunk Are You?
You Are a Purple Flower
A purple flower tends to represent success, grace, and elegance.
At times, you are faithful like a violet.
And other times, you represent luxury, like a wisteria.
And more than you wish, you find yourself heartbroken like a lilac. What Color Flower Are You?
Your Monster Profile
Brutal Midget
You Feast On: Power Bars
You Lurk Around In: Public Restrooms
You Especially Like to Torment: Cops What's Your Monster Name? A Halo Quiz: Which Red vs Blue character are you?
Cool! You're Donut! You love to have fun, and you're never afraid to say what you're thinking. Sometimes, that can lead you into bad situations...because not everyone wants to know what you are thinking...Your always happy, except when it comes to your pink armor..which by the way, looks comfortable!(Full Name: Private Franklin Delano Donut.)(Armor Color: Pink. I mean, lightish red!)
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What do you dream about?
Zodiac Sign:
Fav. Color Combo:
Your dreams generally include: Running in fear of something
Approximate number of monthly nightmares: 85
The worst monster you've seen in a dream: ..
Your dreams are usually muted colors
Percentage of dreams involving sex - 70%
Will your dreams ever come true? (8) - Outlook good. - (8)
This fun quiz by cutelilangelx - Taken 1072943 Times. Make Money Taking Surveys!
Insanity Test
Your problem is Multiple Personalities
Will you ever be cured? (8) - It is decidedly so. - (8)
Just how crazy are you? - 83%
This cool quiz by insanitydefense - Taken 902106 Times. Easy Money from Home! Get your share!
Your Birthdate: May 17
You tend to find yourself lucky - both in business and in life.
And while being wealthy is nice, you enjoy sharing your abundance with others.
You put your luck to good use: you are very ambitious and goal oriented.
Often times, you get over excited and take on more than you can manage.
Your strength: Your ability to make your own luck
Your weakness: Thinking you can do it all
Your power color: Bronze
Your power symbol: Half Moon
Your power month: August What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Open a fortune cookie!
Do you like chinese food?
Your fortune Everywhere you choose to go, friendly faces will greet you.
Is luck on your side? (8) - Signs point to yes. - (8)
This fun quiz by Confused_Pete - Taken 147073 Times. New - Help with love and dating!

My Interests

adopt your own virtual pet!I enjoy a wide variety of activities. Some of these include video games, going to the movies, getting together with Meg and the boys for laser tag, bowling, or whatever we can come up with. I'm very open-minded about things, so I don't shy away from the different or the extreme. In my downtime I read (gasp! 'Tis truth!), eat lots of chocolate, take long naps, go for walks, shop, hang out with my mom, and occasionally write when I have the inspiration. I play a handful of musical instruments, only a couple of them with much skill. Other than that, I don't think I have much time for any other endevours.The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Moderate
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful) High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Very Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Moderate
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Very Low
Level 7 (Violent) Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Low
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

adopt your own virtual pet! What wise quote fits you? [pics]
Your wise quote is: "Be kind to unkind people, they probably need it the most" by Ashleigh Brilliant.
You try to look beyond apperance, try to give people second chances and are probably very kind. Understanding is your biggest personality trait, and thoose you can see through should be grateful. If they aren't already. You detest narrow minded people, because they can't see what's really there. Facades is not your thing and you strive to always be who you really are.
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You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You display a perfect fusion of heroism and compassion.
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Your Seduction Style: The Charmer
You're a master at intimate conversation and verbal enticement.
You seduce with words, by getting people to open up to you.
By establishing this deep connection quickly, people feel under your power.
And then you've got them exactly where you want them! What Is Your Seduction Style?
You Are 46% Evil
You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. How Evil Are You?
In a Past Life...
You Were: A Jittery Poet.

Where You Lived: Argentina.

How You Died: Suicide. Who Were You In a Past Life?
You Are Mint Green
Balanced and calm, you have mastered the philosophy of living well.
Your friends seek you out for support, and you are able to bring stability to chaotic situations.
You're very open and cheerful - and you feel like you have a lot of freedom in life.
Your future may hold any number of exciting things, and you're ready for all of them! What Color Green Are You?
Your Love Number is 2
Of all the numbers, you are the most caring and empathetic lover.
Unselfish and humble, you find it easy to forgive your sweetie's mistakes.
At times, your need to please can be come a bit too needy.
As long as you remain somewhat independent, your relationships are perfectly balanced. What Is Your Love Number?

I'd like to meet:

Someone who wants me to be there. Respect me as an individual. Banish this horrid loneliness. Make me forget my insecurities. Someone who can be patient with me.

How You Are In Love
You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.

You give completely and unconditionally in relationships.

You need your space and privacy. You don't like to be smothered.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. How Are You In Love?

I now have three different messengers, but I aim to please. If you want to reach me outside of Myspace, try here:

AOL: grilegirl04

Yahoo!: whereislaleche


The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
You Are Snow
Magical yet potentially destructive
You are well known as fun to play with
People anticipate your arrival but then are quickly sick of you

You are best known for: your serenity

Your dominant state: reflecting What Type of Weather Are You?
Greed: Medium
Gluttony: Low
Wrath: Medium
Sloth: Medium
Envy: Medium
Lust: Low
Pride: Medium
Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
How Kinky Are You?
Your Amount of Kink in Percentage Form: - 96%

Are you more of a master or slave? Give me some rope, I'm the master!

This fun quiz by cutelilangelx - Taken 130130 Times. New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice !
How big is your penis?
Name / Username
You penis is this many inches: 10

This fun quiz by Shoesrbad - Taken 166937 Times. New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

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My love for music never ends. Here are some of my favorites, listed by genre and then by group within that genre:

Reel Big Fish

Less Than Jake

Cherry Poppin' Daddies

Mighty Mighty Bosstones

Westbound Train (superb)
Lots of local stuff (want your band name listed here? Let me know)

Green Day,

Flogging Molly,

Dropkick Murphys,



The Bravery,



Franz Ferdinand,

Hot Hot Heat,


Coheed and Cambria,






Our Lady Peace,


the Darkness,

Tenacious D,

Blue Man Group,

Billy Talent,


The Used (the old stuff. The new CD is garbage.),

Etcetera. There are so many. If you want to know any more, just ask me.


Daft Punk

Eiffel 65 (their new(er) stuff is great. I didn't know they were italian)


John Williams




Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Eb major - you are warm and kind, always there for
your friends, who are in turn there for you.
You are content with your confortable life and
what you are currently achieving; if you keep
in this state you will go far.

what key signature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Dead Alive, Amadeus, I, Robot, Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, Hidalgo, Shrek 1 and 2, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Harry Potter Trilogy, Matrix Trilogy (seriously, who doesnt?), Jackass the Movie, Elf, The Count of Monte Cristo, Napoleon Dynamite, Old School, Animal House, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Fifth Element, The Maltese Falcon, Underworld, Van Helsing, Billy Madison and pretty much every other Adam Sandler movie. Still, there are more, but I won't waste any more of your time.
You are Tim the Enchanter! Sure you can blow up
small objects, but no-one really respects you.
But you'll have the last

Which Monty Python & the Holy Grail Character are you REALLY?
brought to you by QuizillaUnderworld Evolution was so awesome!


Lots of old school MTV like Sifyl and Ollie, Celebrity Deathmatch, Daria, old school Nickelodeon like Salute Your Shorts, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Nick Arcade, GUTS, Are you Afraid of the Dark, loads. Nascar is for white trash... like me. I don't mind some reality TV, I admit, like Road Rules/Real world challenges and Battle of the Sexes, but most of the rest of it is pretty worthless. I love Whose Line is it Anyway, an Teen Titans is pretty rad. I don't watch too much TV anymore. Anything that I end up liking gets cancelled after the first season anyway.


The Harry Potter Series, Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket, Holes by Louis Sacher (I do want to be a juvenile author so I do read a lot of kids books), The Last Juror by John Grisham, Dante's Divine Comedy, Something Wicked This Way Comes and the Cat's Pajamas by Ray Bradbury, Jennifer Government by Max Barry, I also have read a lot of Shakespeare, my favorite plays being King Henry V, The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, and a Winter's Tale. Other plays that I enjoy are the Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde and The School for Wives by Moliere (even though it's all in rhyming couplets). Stuff by Gerald Morris, I've read all of August Wilson's plays, etc. I've read a lot more, but I'm really picky as to what I really enjoyed. As a side note, I must express my loathing of Danielle Steel, because she writes too much and her books take up too much precious shelf space in the library. If she doesn't retire soon, I'm going to send her anonymous hate mail, threatening her life and all sorts of evils unless she stops writing. Besides, everyone says that all her books are the same story. She just makes up different settings and character names. Still, she has inspired me to write and publish romance novels in the future as a get rich quick ploy. Then I'm going to write books for children. A nice transition, wouldn't you agree?


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My Blog

Man whores and man slaves.

Note to all readers: Don't play board games against me and Megan.  Not only will you probably lose, but you will also witness the strangest, most bizarre display of insanity ever.  I mean, w...
Posted by Sara on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 12:59:00 PST

I should really try to blog on good days.

You know there's something wrong with you when the first thing on your mind after a particularly rotten day is "man, I have to blog".  I mean, come on; what kind of life do I have?  ...Wait,...
Posted by Sara on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 03:43:00 PST

10 minutes later, and the ball is still falling.

The happiest of wishes to you and your family on New Year's Day.  Do you feel any different?  I don't.  Still too tired, still have a headache, same old same old.  Did you know tha...
Posted by Sara on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 10:58:00 PST

Without a rhythm or a rhyme, you do not banana all the time.

Just in time for Christmas!  Another worthless blog from yours truly.  I hope you enjoy rotting your brain as you read through my hum-drum and balderdash. First, I would like to thank all Cu...
Posted by Sara on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 04:52:00 PST

A mini-rant, just to make myself feel better.

Ok, so I'm pretty much just stealing Brad's blog format, in which he talks about something he doesn't particularly care for (you know, something that really sticks his craw) and then asks others what ...
Posted by Sara on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 03:50:00 PST

You guys are the funniest.

*I added Schyler's... and for the record, I DON'T drink and I DON'T smoke.  Yes, I've had a drink here and there, but who hasn't?  I've never gotten drunk, and I wouldn't smoke a day in my l...
Posted by Sara on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 01:24:00 PST


Yeah, I think that's the only word I can use to describe both how I feel and how the weekend went.  I really wish there was a Webter's dictionary definition for that word, because it is AMAZ...
Posted by Sara on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 01:29:00 PST

"who doesn't like watching two gay guys have sex?"

The people that I work with are honestly as deranged as I am.  Well, they're close anyway.  My subject line is thanks to Mr. Dave Kiel, who said that and made conversation go from bizarre to...
Posted by Sara on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 03:03:00 PST

Great taste, less filling!

So I've decided that I win the award for most random blog headers.  For sure.  Don't even try to beat me, or it's going to get ugly. Seeing as I have nothing better to do than blog, well, he...
Posted by Sara on Sun, 04 Dec 2005 04:12:00 PST

What if I were to tell you.... I was naked?!

If I told you that, I would be lying.  I am too damn cold to be naked right now.  This morning was different. ... Right. I'm bored as all hell right now.  I thought Megan and I were goi...
Posted by Sara on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 06:10:00 PST