Jaxwax profile picture


"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. - Anais Nin"

About Me

www.jaxwaxent.com Check it out!!!I have one motto I live by and that is....You only get one chance on this earth...JUST DO IT!! Live life to the fullest, do things out of your safe 'box', try new things, meet new and interesting people...JaxWax Entertainment is a company I started years ago while dabbling in the music industry. It has come to be a full-on talent agency specializing in Ethnic Minorities or Cultural Diversity for background in film, television and commercials...but not limited to minorities. Check it out www.jaxwaxent.comI am lucky to call Calgary my home, so much opportunity. There is so much to see, so much to explore. I want to travel more and experience new cultures.One of my passions the past 7 years has been the music biz. Learning, growing, meeting great people along the way! Music is what is connected to my soul, can't kick it!My other passion, my daughter, Felicia. How cool is it to have one of life's best gifts, a perfect 15 year old! LOL God bless my child!

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My Interests

Fashion/Coco Chanel mainly! Travel New cultures Fine food Fabulous places with fabulous music! Music Biz Lipstick and perfume

I'd like to meet:

Oprah Russell Simmons Sydney Poitier Charles BarkeleyMichael Jackson/Jordan all the people whomn can take me to that next phase...accomplishing a career of their dreams, which leads to a life of dreams


R&B, Soul, Old school hip hop/funk, Jazz, all of it if its good...


o so many!!


Oprah, 24, Smith, Friends re runs, Sex in the City baby!


The Secret, Sydney Poitier's Autobiography The Measure Of A Man, and so many more


My dad! Firemen!