Madelien profile picture


durf te twijfelen. misluk rustig. brul met mate.

About Me

Hi. Uhm... my name is Madelien, I'm a 25-year old photographer (Goddeau e-zine, Poppunt and photocollective Wannabes, amongst others) and I live in Gent with my boyfriend, all of his bassguitars and a tiny chihuahua. I studied web & graphic design, which I wasn't very good at, and I don't like being bad at something so I stopped. Maybe one day I'll have to get back to it if this photography thingie doesn't work out. Oh, and when I'm short on cash, which I often am, I will occasionally sit around in a callcenter where I am mostly occupied in looking out the window, picking crud from between the keys of a numeric keypad and massacrating plastic coffee spoons.
See my pictures at .
I'd really like to take your picture. Onstage, backstage, nowhere near a stage, you name it. I'm always looking for new experiences and fresh faces, so contact me if you'd like to work with me. Even if you haven't got a lot of money, I'm sure we can work something out.a trailer for my 2003 graduation project, an animated short in Dutch

My Interests

Rock 'n' roll frontmen and any other creature that lurks on a stage. My camera. Boots. Gent and to a much lesser extent my hometown Leuven. Any possible combinations of the aforementioned. And perhaps some coffee would be nice.

I'd like to meet:

The person who can tell me how to get rid of that "I'd Like to Meet" thingie.


uhm yeah, lots of stuff with guitars in it, basically. I tend to attach myself passionately to local bands, a very practical choice if you ask me. Why wait four years for the Strokes to finally dignify Belgium with a visit, when there's hoards of talented bands you can see every month in small badly ventilated but highly intimate venues.
But if you must:
dEUS. Soulwax. The Van Jets. Milow. Rye Jehu. Absynthe Minded. Sukilove. Grandaddy. Belle and Sebastian. Death Cab for Cutie. Bloc Party. Maximo Park. Interpol. Sonic Youth. The Strokes. The Libertines. The Pixies. The Ramones. Sparklehorse. Arcade Fire. (Matthew) Herbert. Mùm. Sigur Ros. The Mars Volta. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. The Beatles. The Rolling Stones. Nick Cave. Jeff Buckley. The Verve. PJ Harvey. Radiohead. Cat Power. Broken Social Scene. Sufjan Stevens.





My Blog

Rock Photography update: february - march - april

cd-presentation the Van Jets - AB Club CD-presentation Larsson -  Nijdrop Cd-presentation 100% Puur with the Arquettes & Rye Jehu -  Charlatan CD-presentation Absynthe Mi...
Posted by Madelien on Wed, 23 May 2007 05:43:00 PST

Rock Photography update: november - december - january

The Kooks Placebo Sufjan Stevens Fixkes Stijn Kraakpand met Staircase & Headphone Jarvis Fotoshoots Mel Dune Staircase Scarrots Daddy's...
Posted by Madelien on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 03:01:00 PST

Muzikantendag 2006

Batidah Gert Keunen & Luc van Poppunt reiken de Popthesisprijs uit Metal Molly herwerkt een nummer van Animal Wonka The Bony King of N...
Posted by Madelien on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 03:40:00 PST

Rock Photography: september - october

Leffingeleuren for Wannabes Liars Millionaire CSS (Cansei de Ser Sexy) Gorki Goose Juliette & the Licks Therapy? The Van Jets An Pierlé V...
Posted by Madelien on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 08:21:00 PST

Raymond & zijn Jonge Helden

Cream & Spices Balthazar Mira The Violent Husbands Headphone (winnaar remix contest Brussels by Night) ...
Posted by Madelien on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 10:06:00 PST

Rock Photography, June - July - August

Boomtown Fence A Brand An Pierlé Briskey Madensuyu in de AB met de Violent Husband(s) In de studio met the Van Jets Rye Jehu neemt op. ...
Posted by Madelien on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 03:56:00 PST

Flaming Lips! Flaming Lips! FLAMING LIPS!

Posted by Madelien on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 05:58:00 PST

Rock Photography, March - April - May

Absynthe Minded & The Van Jets op de Rock Rally finale Isobel Campbell & Mi and L'au Coldcut The Cardigans Metal Molly & D...
Posted by Madelien on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 02:13:00 PST

some stuff from my portfolio

Since nobody ever bothers to follow links elsewhere,  here's a small take-out of my work: Th Lau,  for Goddeau Bherman,  for Goddeau A Brand,  for Goddeau MilOW,  for ...
Posted by Madelien on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 10:05:00 PST