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Quote of the week:

"Cereal don't count as breakfast in bed. Cereal is a bland, inconsequential, insufficient and overrated replacement for bacon, eggs and other more substantial foods." - Joe :D

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Emily [Em]
18 [11.02.1989]
Somewhere [Nowhere]
Couldn't live without:
Friends. Family. Photography. Love. Life. Words.

Paint me a rainbow and i'll smile you the sun.

About moi - 'Amalie Woost':

I like:
pie, lu, lu pie, staying round lu's house and randomly making smoothies, cold side of the pillow, the noise my kettle makes, pressing the "stop" button on buses, chicken shaped gingerbread cookies, little bruv, going to tescos with matt, just generally going to tescos, bamboo trees in the wind, hugs, baby kisses, lu's boobs, someone playing with my hair, taking photos, matt, peanut butter and bovril on toast, cups of tea, jo, the sun, wearing new clothes for the first time, emma, sleeping in fresh covers for the first night, my car, spongebob, waking up and seeing him, morning texts, clean clothes that smell of washing powder, man perfume, lip salve, getting texts, the feeling at the end of a long car journey, cruising in the car with phat tunes...really loud, being in a good mood, pine cones, college trip bus journies, pretty songs, forget-me-nots, unexpected calls, the blow up guitar on the parcel shelf of my car - donated by lu, post, having some money, spending money, my beautiful friends, knowing the lyrics to a song, seeing someone do something they're good at, being lost, writing, sending notes, my teddy, love letters, morning hugs, seeing someone i miss, swearing when i'm really angry, finding the toys in packets of cereal, holidays, romance, blue skies...

I don't like: marmite, pie without lu, being cold, lu without pie, being too hot at night, bad dreams, not seeing someone i miss, not having credit, being addicted to myspace, being unhappy for no reason, seeing someone i love upset, having exams, bad hair days, bad face days, sea-food, having no clothes to wear, needing new shoes, needing a wee, not finding any trousers to fit, my stupid legs, your face, boring people, crap music, nothing on t.v, the series "doctors", crap packed lunches - squashed sandwiches grrr, brother pinching my stuff, feeling dirty (not the sexual way... that's a good thing heehee), leaking drinks, dog poo, poo of any form, when a pen doesn't work, when you run out of glue, bad weather, feeling lonely, walking round random villages, knowing you have to work but not wanting to, loading the dishwasher, embarassing photos, pigeons, holes in socks, mum's american impression, any of mum's impressions, gardening or antique programs, spiders, people getting of and off confused...

"We will walk hand in hand, through the streets of forever"

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Em, i think you should know...

Special people:

Lu: Hmm random, crazy, THE most loveable sexy person in the entire universe. Couldn't live without her. Shes the one i tell everything to. Shes the one that is always there... wherever, whenever. She corrects me on my tyoping...oh typing...thanks lu. She knows every lyric to every song in the world. She is just bloddy magic. I love her to bits... and more! Very special lady.

Ali: Whoever said brothers and sisters wern't meant to get on were wrong. He is one of my bestest friends and always will be. Always always. He makes me laugh and brings me back to reality. Owe him so much.

Jo: She is very very pretty and dainty. I am her very own little car. I love her muchos. She deserves all the love in the world. She should never change.

Miss Tilley: She is one of the origianl musketeers. We've had our up's and down's but my god do we laugh. She is very mature... until she sees a cute animal or squidgey cheeks... and then, well, you have to see for yourself. "Aww, shoo cwooot".

Search. Love. Step back. Step forward. Kiss. Dance. Share. Take. Make. Need. Drain. Fall. Fly. Confess. Trust. Sing. Recite. Pray. Conform. Steralise. Escape. Resist. Abuse. Give in. Give out. Breathe. Cry. Walk. Stumble. Talk. Skip. Watch. Worry. Wake. Sleep. Rest. Relax. Hope. Listen. Learn. Heal. Seal. Fire. Restart. Revamp. Grow. Glow. Shake. Awake. Stain. Taint and memorize the world that leaves you behind after now.



My Blog

Wish upon a star?

I wish you could... Feel what i feel. See what i see. Hear what i hear. Taste what i taste. Think what i think. Dream what i dream. Then you would know just how you make me feel....
Posted by Myspace or yours? on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 12:47:00 PST