Kaylou was born as Kristina Louise Kristoffersen on September 5th in 1986 as the first of two sisters in Gjerlev (Denmark). She grew up inside the idyllic world of this small town, well protected but also somehow encased.
Her choice of high school was wellfounded by it's priority in musical education. Kaylou didn't really like studying and homework away, but she got good marks anyway. Besides playing guitar, she started with piano and worked hard at her singing, did theatre and jammed a lot.
A little later, thanks to luck and her extraordinary voice she became acquainted with Rick from the Noizmakers a coincidence, which changed her life. Kaylou was just fourteen.
Following their meetings, there were countless trips to Frankfurt, the homebase of Noizmakers Entertainment.
Quickly a deep friendship developed with a couple of particularally lovable and talented guys: Rob Fisher, Hamed Narraghi and Niklas Kleber, producers, musicians and members of the Producerteam Halflive from Germany. They became the base for the new band "Kaylou".
Bassman Flo Huth completed the band Kaylou. Supported by her parents and embedded into the friendship with her band she works hard conform to her motto: "Everything in life is reachable. You just have to really want it ."
It's a mix out of hit-appeal and individualism, rock and pop, power and sensibility Kaylou masterfully aims at the space between the styles.
Kaylou's vision to create real, emotional music not only acoustically, but also visually comes across in a great way.
All in all, on the road to success. So we're curious about what the future will bring next.
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