photography, beautiful places, ugly places, anything pro creation, music, images, design, magazines, the ocean, learning, languages, cultures, travels, people, books, beach, waves
Greenland, Norway, Lappland, Russia, Vancouver, more of Spain, Italy, Amsterdam, Ireland, Venezuela, Uruguay, Skurup, Europe, Guatemala, Faroe Islands, with friends, list goes on...
I only like speed-core and grind-core and I like donovan frankenfurter..hihi :) Other than that I like music that gives me something. A feeling, a memory, a thought, or inspiration. I'm not into any specific kind of music. I love music. it makes me cry and it makes me smile, what more can you ask for.. thanx to all you fantastic music makers!!the cure, depeche mode, tingsek, wildbirds & peacedrums, death cab for cutie, the strokes, tom yorke and radiohead, the sounds, OKA, the lovebus, the grates, ane brun, missy higgins, the catempire, bell and sebastian, laleh, catpower...
A Broke Down Melody, Lost in Translation, Glass Love, Something's Got to Give, Whale Rider, Efter bröllopet, gotta love Dirty Dancing! Sunshine of an eternal spotless mind, Gardenstate, Shopgirl, Babel, Darling, Piedras
best hidden away. do laugh to seinfeld and friends! ..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!Find me on MySpace and be my friend! ..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!
niffenegger's time traveler's wife, zadie smith, carla Coulson and her Italian joy is big inspiration. other than that a bit here and a bit there, magazines of all kinds, some politics, Mossam Begg and Guantanomo was an eye opener
passion and compassion