music, dogs, true love, health, friends, tattoos, collectibles, design, safe travel, NY, SF, LA, card games,good food, past lives, NY Times, daily acts of kindness, random bouts with cuntiness, laughing constantly
Hedwig, Times Square, West Side Story, Rocky Horror, Willi Wonka, Harold and Maude,16 Candles,Heathers, Rear Window-all Hitchcock, Raising Arizona-all Cohen Bros., Spinal Tap-all Christopher Guest, Eternal Sunshine-all Kaufman,Boogie Nights-all PT Anderson,Wes Anderson, Almodovar, Solondz, twisted documentaries: Grey Gardens, Tarnation, Grizzly Man, Freidmans, Heavy Metal Parking Lot. Decline of Western Civilization 1 & 2, and of course The Nagel Incident and all "YourMother" films. Brokeback, High Art...
lately, its CNN on mute
i'm reading as fast as i can. (or was that dancing...?)
no thanks, i'm a vegetarian. these are all trick questions.