Name - Miss Hannah Bickers, from Leeds but off to california once my greencard is cleared, my sister and step mum live in California, LOVE IT! Off there for a month in June, part of my yr out and going to hawaii and LA! Heading to uni in Newcastle, cant wait! LOVE going out and dancing, socialising and meeting new people and catching up with old friends! Party girl all the way... Loves to love, hates to hate XxX..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
A "Getting to Know You" Survey
The Basics
Name:: Miss Hannah Bickers
Birthdate:: 12th October 1987
Birthplace:: LEEDS!!!
Current Location:: Leeds!
Eye Color:: Green/Blue
Hair Color:: Blonde
Height:: 5ft 3
Your webpage:: No idea?!
Are you taken?: Yup!
Are you a virgin?: Hmmm bit personal
How many & what kind of pets do you have?: Non
What's your job?: Sales assistant
What's your Dream Job?: Marketing co ordiantor for aston martin-company car please!
Who is your best friend?: Paddy, Carly, K, Helen, Jade, Rachel, Louise, Adam...
What instruments do you play?: Piano
What are your hobbies?: Swimming, reading
What are your goals?: To be happy and to make Paddy happy!
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?: Yeah, sky dive def!!
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: Educational books, biographies, novels, fashion magazines
How would do describe yourself?: AMAZING!
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?: The world, where countires are and all that...
What do you daydream about?: Paddy, shopping, holidays!
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?: I believe in it being different for every person
List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself:
One:: Legs
Two:: Nose
Three:: Skin-id like to be more tanned please!
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?: Depends on sitution! Known as outgoing tho
Spender or Saver?: Spender!
Truth or Dare?: Both...
Books or Movies?: Movies!
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?: Both are good for me!
Cats or Dogs?: Dogs! Cats are gross!
Mountain or Beach?: BEACH-no doubt!
Sweet or Salty?: Sweet
Do You...
Smoke?: Nope
Drink?: Yep
Get annoyed easily?: No, depeneds who with tho with Paddy yeah haha!
Like to travel?: I like reaching my destination?!
Like to drive fast?: Hell yeah just ask Carly or Becka
Sing well?: hmmm no
Want kids?: of course!
-----What would you name a boy?: Nathan George
-----What would you name a girl?: Ella May
Have You Ever...
Performed on stage? In what?: Yes, so many tyms to count!
Been in a car accident?: No dont think so!
Been out of the country? Where?: Yes, AMERICA, Portugal, majorca
What Is...
The last CD you bought?: Electro house sessions
The last movie you saw in the theater?: Alpha Dog-awesome!
The last movie you rented?: Cant remember!
Your greatest fear?: Being alone
Your greatest strength?: Understanding and thoughful
Your greatest weakness?: Partying
Your happiest memory?: Everytym I see Dyl, Paddy!
Your Favorite...
Movie:: Scream
TV Show:: 8 out of ten cats!
Actor:: George Clooney! Hmmmm!
Actress:: Mischa Barton
Food:: Chinese!
Drink:: Peach and passionfruit
Color:: Blue
Scent:: Stella Mcartney
Season & WHY:: Summer - less clothes!
Day of the week & WHY:: Thursday - duno?!
Store:: Harvey Nicholls
Quote:: way too many!
What Do You Think About...
Abortion:: Against it for myself but sometyms it is the best option for ppl
Homosexuality:: all gravy!
God:: I have my doubts!
Jesus:: Well we're told his miracles were lies anyway!
Satan:: No
Heaven:: Yeah
Hell:: No
Miracles:: Kinda-personal miracles anyway!
Astrology:: kinda
War:: Hate it!
Ghosts:: SO SCARED!
Reincarnation:: Kinda duno!
Karma:: YES!
Luck:: Yeah
Aliens:: Kinda
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