+tennis Coffee and cigarettes Red wine from Bourgogne Cheese and Chess Minimal painting smoke in my bed Listen Tv Strange dreams Cooking spaghetti thinking about Marcel Duchamp!
Jello Biafra Bruce nauman Chris Burden Carsten Holler rebecca Horn james Turell Ben
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Ministry,KILLING JOKE..ice T Body Count...Iggy POP,Les THUGS,Dead kennedy,FUGAZI PJ hARVEY NO MEANS NO BASHUNG ARNO DALEK John Zorn SAUL WILLIAM MINOR TREAT NINE INCH NAIL SHELLAC US MAPPLE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS Oxbow Plainfield Alice DONUT SONIC YOUTH ALAN VEGA SUICIDE Queenadrena Kill The Thrill Company Flow Antipop consortium DeaD Kennedy Lard Unsane Penthouse Assassin Non Stop TTC Bashung Noir Desir Arthur H Melted Men Soul Wax ...
Cassavetes Lynch Wenders Jarmush Woody Allen Kurismaki Almodovar Ken Loach Larry Clark
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Aruki Murakami Samuel Beckett SOSEKI Enrique Vila-mata Kafka Magnus Mills George Perec ...Dan Simmons Marakami Ryu Arturo danto
BOWIE Ben Gazzara John Mc Enroe Picasso sites www.perso.wanadoo.fr/tie-break www.membres-lycos.fr/slicetravolta