*da throwdest survey on myspace*
What's your full name?: ::Monae::
What's your sex?: ::Female::
How many brothers do you have?: ::2::
How many sisters do you have?: ::1::
Any step brothers/sisters?: ::Nope::
Who's your best friend(s)?: ::Brittany K::Nina::Chessy::Chelle::
What friend(s) do you hang wit the most?: Nika::Erica::Paris::Jessica::Senora::Erica::Tiffany::Chelle:
Which friend(s) do you want to hang wit more?: ::Nina::Chessy::
Do you love any of your friends?: ::I love all them hoes lol::
Do you have a bf/gf?: ::I sure do::
Do you like someone right now?: ::I sure do::
Who?: ::Brandon ( My Hubby )::
If you could go wit any person you chose who would it be?: ::Brandon::
What's your zodiac sign?: ::Sexii Sagittarius::
Do you live in a apartment,house,trailer, or condo?: ::House::
Whats something that you dont like about the opposite sex?: ::FEET!!!::
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?: ::Where Im at::
Whats your favorite color(s)?: ::Black::Orange::White::
What type of music do you like?: ::R&B::Rap/Hip Hop::Anything I can snap 2::
Whats your favorite animal?: ::Dog::
Whats your favorite show?: ::Family Guy::My Wife and Kids:: Flavor of Love:: Anything Interestin::
Do you love anything/anyone right now?: ::Brandon:: My Family::My Friends::
If you could be anything what would you be?: ::Me::
Do you go to school?: ::Yup::
What's your favorite college?: ::IDK::
Did you like this survey?: ::It was aight::
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:: HOPEfullY one DaY my LORD and SAVIOR :: CHrIS BRoWN :: aLICIa KEyS :: Lil WAYnE :: My bOO JaMIe FOxX ::
r&b, hip hop, rap, gospel, basically anything i can relate to or get crunk to lol
favorite of all time..Love and Basketball..also The Lion King lol
my mama and grandma