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Get off my titties, Bitch!

About Me

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Does it amaze anyone else how Kristin and I are in a relationship together and still have no problem playing together? Well you should be amazed!!

My Interests

music, cello, movies, friends, family, hot tubs, naps, sleeping in, water skiing, wakeboarding, snowboarding.

I'd like to meet:

I know mother's day is over, but this video is just too funny not to have on here.
Mother's Day

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i love all music.


Well I have a DVD collection of like 40 or 50 so I like a lot of different movies. But two of my favorites ever are Dumb and Dumber and Super Troopers.




my family and my friends

My Blog


I've been thinking a lot about my future, along with all of my friends.  The thing that puts me out of place from them, though, is the fact that I'm very ready to move on.  In a way I feel w...
Posted by zack on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 03:33:00 PST